Hello, beloved beings of great light, peace, joy, and recognition. Hello from the energies of worlds beyond worlds beyond worlds. Let us offer you the recognition that goes beyond the understanding of a world.
This is a time of great internal reflection for humanity. It’s time to retreat and observe what you hold within. Allow yourselves to see clearly the truth of all, the truth of who you are. How are you creating and contributing to the world around you?
Hello, my dear ones. It is my great joy to be with you through these words and vibrations of love. Let’s come together in the oneness of pure consciousness and love. Feel my presence with you. Remember who you are, and allow your presence to be full.
You are the source of your own creation, and it is the awareness of this creative force that fuels both the power of the spirit within and the creation of your life without. Know your creative power.
— Artemis
We have been living in tumultuous times of upheaval for years and will continue to do so for some time. The angelic being Kryon, the companion and specialist in this field, calls it an extended “everything is upside down” phase that could last until 2030!
Beloved children of God, as the world grows closer together through the Internet and technology, it is so important for all of you to work together for social justice and inclusiveness.
Life is perceived through your body — the eyes to see and the ears to hear. You judge everything you hear and see. You give all things value with your judgments. You justify your judgments and always try to make them right. You make others wrong so that your judgments are justified.
Blessings. Every day new souls enter the Earth plane, and every day old souls depart and return to the spiritual realms. All things created are constantly going through cycles dictated by divine will. It is important that you do not fear death.