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Five Keys to Stress-Proof Your Health

Dr. Bradley Nelson

A simple yet pervasive truth has been gaining new ground in the minds of health care professionals in recent years: Stress can kill. More accurately, stress leads to a cascading series of harmful occurrences in the body that can turn deadly.

Kissed by Infinite Wisdom

Ann Metcalfe

This morning, golden Sun cloaked behind a blanket of soft-gray clouds,

a steady yet gentle rain has been falling all night, our first in months.

Rain has stopped now, stillness.

Yoga Science Teaches How to Transform Energy

Leonard Perlmutter

You learned in grade school science class that energy could appear in either the potential or kinetic form. The electricity in the wiring of your home is available for any use you choose. When you turn a light switch to the on position, energy appears in the form of light.

Stimulate the Positive

LaWanna Rine

Take a look. How do you feel? What are your thoughts at this moment? What are your emotions at this moment? Are you expressing illness or wellness? You are evaluating yourself each moment. Go look in the mirror. Are you smiling? Are your lips pressed firmly together?

The Treasures of Earth

Pam Chapman

Everywhere you go in nature, there’s a treasure to behold. Sometimes it’s a tree that grows sideways or trees that look like they are dancing. The trees can look like a family gathered in a round.

Heal with Crystals, Minerals, and Gemstones

All There Is, Was, and Ever Shall Be
Elliott Eli Jackson

This message from Source is about using crystals and stones to effect positive change within and with-on the human body and its energetic field.

Navigating through Fear to Be in Oneness

Archangel Zadkiel
Sri Ram Kaa

Be in oneness! Be in joy! This is the mantra of the day, to be in oneness and to be in joy!

Connect with Your Passion

Archangel Raphael
Trisha Michael

Creation is the dialogue of moving into passion. To create, a soul knows the excitement of moving in its chosen process and to celebrate its chosen destiny. Many have identified passion as only a piece of a romantic setting.

Connect with Your Goddess Light

Mother Ulura
Karinna Nielsen

Working on our own consciousness is the most important thing that we are doing at any moment, and being love is a supreme creative act.
— Ram Dass

What Really Happened to Lemuria and Atlantis

Terra Rae

Terra: Atlantis really gets people’s attention these days. It’s coming through our cellular memory now to enable us to examine and heal our role in the downfall of what I believe was a magnificent continent and a highly advanced civilization.


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