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Shamanic Wisdom: Ascension, Appreciation, and Action

Jan Engels-Smith

We are in the shift of a prophesied time, the ending of a time period that has extended for a 5,121-year cycle, a 26,000- year cycle, and a 62-million-year cycle. The shift from an era that has lasted for several millennia into a new age is happening now.

Essences of Nature: Monthly Guide for the Coming Year

Mary Ann Altamarino Antenucci

We are here. This is the year that has been etched in my consciousness since I was a ten-year-old girl intrigued with a ninety-nine cent, multicolored brass Mayan calendar with turning dials that could be adjusted to calculate all the dates until 2012.

Adventures for Children

Lynne Cox

Lilac Adventure

Walking along, you smell something absolutely divine. Turning around, you find that this wonderful scent is all around you. You call to Angel, "Can you smell this?"

"I can and it's divine alright!" Angel replies.

Shamanic Wisdom: Dream a New Dream for Yourself

Jan Engels-Smith

In the current state of our economy— lost jobs, stressed budgets, and escalating prices—the stress levels for many are out of control. In times such as these, I turn to my teachings from the spirits and try to see the current situation from a greater perspective, a spiritual perspective.

Essences of Nature: The Success of Failure

Mary Ann Altamarino Antenucci

What is the worst thing that can happen? We don't get it right, we don't understand, or we fall flat on our faces? Often we think we are behaving stupidly when it's just that we don't want to look bad or ignorant.

Essences of Nature: How to Spring Forward

Mary Ann Altamarino Antenucci

I consider this to be the true beginning of the new year. The available light changes and we can see more. We feel the surge of growth wanting to burst forth and we anticipate something coming.

Shamanic Wisdom: Journey Through an Egyptian Portal

Jan Engels-Smith

For me, 2012 is the year of actualized ascension. Ascension is greater awareness, the ability to hold higher frequencies of energy in the physical body, higher dimensional thought, and movement away from the old paradigms that left-brain logical analyses have created.

Shamanic Wisdom: Being in Your Right Brain

Jan Engels-Smith

Metaphysical awareness, or spiritual experience, is often difficult to explain or understand while living in a left-brain dominant society. Many times the phrase “woo-woo” is used as a slightly condescending term to describe these events and experiences.

Essences of Nature: Time Distortions and Timing

Mary Ann Altamarino Antenucci

Our awareness of time is something that defines us. When we are young, we can’t wait to be older. When we are old, we wish we were younger. When we are bored, time drags on and on. When we are excited, time flies by.

Shamanic Wisdom: Directing Intentions to the Middle-World Gods

Jan Engels-Smith

Each year LightSong, the school and community that I founded, puts on a Spirit Quest practicum. We have since changed locations, but for years the quest was held in Dufur, Oregon, a high desert area with ponderosa pine, dry brush, and harsh conditions. The land is arid and scenic.


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