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True Confessions of a Reformed White Knuckler

True Confessions of a Reformed White Knuckler Stefanie Miller

These are the true confessions of a reformed white knuckler. I've had to pry my clammy little fingers off of the control I'm trying to maintain over issues that I just basically can do nothing about in the present moment. I have to come clean and take responsibility for them.

Though I have been on the spiritual path for many, many years, I find it much easier to stay peaceful, trusting, and balanced when things are going smoothly. In recent times, things got challenging, and I lost faith. Yet I realized in the nick of time that I was allowing my fear, frustration, and lack of faith to frazzle me. I am very grateful that my health scare wound up being just a scare. It seems like everything else dulls in comparison when our health is in question. I was jolted back into the present moment and became really aware of what I was creating. We sure are powerful creators!
