The energy of change is upon us. So much has occurred in recent times, yet in many ways things look very much the same. It's as if we are looking through the corners of our eyes and can see glimpses from the past as well as what is to come, snapshots into the future.
The energy of life exists in all creation—in its purest form as light, and at its most dense as granite. Everything we see, feel, think, say, and experience is energy, vibrating with an imprint all its own.
Many of us wonder why tragedies happen. Lately the question has been asked much more frequently due to the earthquakes, tsunamis, and wars occurring all over the world.
Stone circles are enchanted places. Across the British Isles are numerous groups of ancient standing stones associated with colorful legends, many of which involve fairies and magic.
It is bedtime. As you turn out your light and take a quick peak out your window, you are surprised to see several fireflies dancing in the dark. "Angel, come see the fireflies," you say, giggling as you watch them begin blinking their lights on and off.
We all know—or at very least have heard—about the value of body wisdom. We can feel it as a hunch, butterflies in the belly, a gut feeling, or a knowing.