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Activities for Children: Ant Adventure

Lynne Cox

As you walk out your front door, you bend down to tie your shoelace and you notice an ant crossing on the sidewalk in front of you.

"Well, hello, Ant," you say to him.

"Thanks for noticing me," Ant replies in the tiniest voice you have ever heard.

Shamanism Is Dead: Long Live Shamanism!

Tom Wright

In December 2010 I had the privilege of asking the following questions of don Miguel Ruiz, a fellow Toltec healer and the author of The Four Agreements. They were designed to ferret out a new understanding of our roles as shamans and healers in the world today.

Pleiadians Request ETs' Help in Project to Help Earth Humans Awaken

Z'kch and His Brother
Robert Shapiro


In the Meantime

Stefanie Miller

I was waiting to write when I had something really inspirational and uplifting to say. I was hoping there would be a sudden shift, for my enlightenment to return and the storm clouds to pass. Sorry, but that is not the case.

The Movie Mystic

Stephen Simon

I am honored and proud to be a voting member of The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences that nominates and then votes each year for the Oscars. I have said often, however, that I have absolutely no idea how to judge a "best" film or actor or screenplay or anything else.

Something from Nothing: The Magic of Transformation through Pure Belief

Wendy Zellea

Everything that exists is formed and defined by the thinking substance that fills the interspaces of the universe. We call it consciousness. It is driven by our thoughts to become reality. It is the stuff from which our thoughts are created and take form.

Essences of Nature: What Does Love Want From You

Mary Ann Altamarino Antenucci

We think we know what we want from love. We want the romance, the honeymoon, and the gazing into each other's eyes. We want to have the "happily ever after" scenario. We want to connect and be part of something bigger. We want to feel the bond and the bonding.

Essences of Nature: What Does Love Want From You?

Mary Ann Altamarino Antenucci

What is stopping you? What has to happen before you get to be you? What has to happen in order for you to move on with your life? What has to happen for you to move from here to there? Am I there yet? Can I do it now? When will I be ready? When will I have had enough?

The Dream Zone

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

Dear Dream Zone,

A Few Thoughts on Higher Self and the Law of Attraction

Wendy Zellea

Who is your higher self? You thought you were your only self. How many selves do you have? Your higher self is who you really are; it is how you came into the world. It is called by many names—spirit, soul, consciousness, and so on—but it's who you are.


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