The last time we spoke, you told me about your parents. That was very interesting, but now I would like to know more about you. I know that Gaia has a purpose in our coming together, and I am eager to discover more about that.
Walking along in your favorite park, you smell the flowers and trees that are in bloom. The sky is filled with floating, white, fluffy cotton from the nearby cottonwood trees. You watch as a soft breeze lifts the cotton and it floats around in the air.
Greetings. Now, we are interested in your planet, as it is an oddity. We are of a mathematical nature, and oddities always interest us because they are not logical; they don't make sense. And anything that doesn't make sense to people who are interested in the abstract . . .
When asked his favorite instrument, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart responded, "the human voice." Perhaps Mozart considered the voice to be God's authentic expression while human-made instruments, although artfully played, provided simply a conduit through which true music traveled.
How do you experience relationship? Have you noticed that the world around you seems to be different? Are you becoming aware that people are relating to you differently?
When it comes to knowing self, there is an awful lot of conditioning to work through just to set aside things like guilt and inconsideration as you turn to look within.
We are Simion, the evolutionary collective. As you open your awareness to a new octave, you increase your sensitivity to beings from higher dimensions. There will be fourthdimensional entities and others beyond that who are prepared to greet you and expand your connection to them.
Layoffs. Downsizing. Restructuring. These words loom from TV screens and newspapers like a contagious disease we don't want to catch. We perform our due diligence by working overtime, updating our resumes and tightening our budgets—just in case.
This excerpt is a chapter taken from Almine's forthcoming book How to Raise an Exceptional Child. These homeopathic remedies are not meant to take the place of your physician nor are they intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.