Well now, here we are once again to have a little chat. How I do enjoy our moments in time together, my dears! I would like to speak with you about your personal fulfillment during this chat.
Beloved one, I will continue with my life story. It was most enjoyable to have some time with Mary — Mariam — before I began to know the guidance to teach, to share. I did not just come back from India and Tibet and begin my "ministry." There were some years there when I had the family life.
Let us talk this day about the true nature of healing in all of its glorious aspects to open your hearts and your minds to broader concepts, love, and (of course) healing.
In the womb, at the beginning of our lives, we were nothing but geometrical forms. All life forms — trees, plants, and animals — began as spheres. The ovum in the human body is also a sphere.
Greetings and salutations, my beautiful beings of light. That energy roller coaster that you are riding on is going and going and going, just like the Energizer bunny in the TV commercials.
Divine beings of great light, great love, and great presence, there is great presence that has abundantly come forward for you through the great manifest realms of all divine, illuminated presence. We come forward first today with the simple message of presence. Presence. Presence. Presence.
Beloved masters, we will continue our review and expansion on some of the most important techniques and information we have given you over the past twenty-two years.
I have chosen the topic of enlightenment for our interview, so perhaps the best place to start is to ask you: What is enlightenment, and why is it such a driving force in our lives?
Greetings, precious ones. We celebrate you always, for you bring passion to all that you do, holding vividness as you sculpt your life in your daily rhythms of being. You are mighty, you are loved, and you are all in one.