Life is an experience filled with tremendous shifts. As you awaken, you will remember them — one step forward after another, and it is never-ending. There is beyond and beyond and beyond. Trust that it is so, dear ones — it is so! You are ready to awaken to full consciousness.
Fifty thousand years ago, signature cell healing, a four-body touch-healing technique, was brought forth on the continent of Lemuria. The signature cell, or God cell, is in perfection and resides in the pineal gland.
Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. I speak to those who have an elegance of wisdom. You may not think of this as you, for there are those here who are literally only feeling this for the first time, but there’s an elegance in this room.
Good evening. Tonight we are addressing DNA and how you can change it. For those of you who do not know, your DNA is six feet of energy that resides in all seventy trillion cells of your body. Your DNA holds a lot of power because it houses your blueprint.
Beloved students, I greet you this month in the radiance of your becoming and that of planet Earth. May each of you be filled with goodness and kindness as you deepen your commitment to both global and personal evolution.
Well now, here we are once again to have a little chat. How glorious! My dears, you have come a long way — don’t you have that phrase? Well you have. And now that you are walking on air, I’d like to tell you about what is coming along for you.
As above, so below. Many of you see Earth in very different terms than the current leadership of your societies does. Many of you witnessing these words see humanity in very different ways than those same societies.
Greetings to all of you. We are the Arcturians, and we are here to be with you in resonance with all creation. As all is in creation, all is in you! We come to be in resonance with you to discuss ourselves as beings of unencumberedness. This unencumberedness is you as well.