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The Awakening of the Gods that You Are in 2011

The Golden Council of Light
Ana Ubensmith

Greetings! In 2011 the excitement of being alive on planet Earth continues as you are invited to participate in the unfolding of this new cycle of creation. However, we are not insensitive to the pain and suffering that you are now experiencing.

Humans and the Earth: Designed as a Perfect Match

Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic service. What is it you think about God? Some call the energy of God "spirit." What is your attitude? If a child said to you, "tell me about God," what would you say?

We Offer You a Golden Opportunity

Archangel Michael

Beloved masters, once again we—the messengers and servants of our Father/Mother God—sound the clarion call for all the mighty forces comprising the legions of light to come forth and unite.

Building a Partnership With Your Higher Self

Sarrinn with the Ancients
Daniele DeVoe

Greetings, lightworkers. What wondrous masters you are! We know this because we connect with you as you read these words and we read your light, your aura, your resonant signature.

Own Your Choices and Honor Those of Others

The Novenian Masters
Nanci Paluzzi

Greetings! It is our pleasure to be with you in this new moment of your day. We will take this opportunity to speak with you about the transformation that is now occurring within your world.

Your Earth Teachers

Lynette Leckie-Clark

My greetings to you as you prepare for another year cycle in your daily lives. Today I choose to speak to you of growth—your own spiritual growth.

This Is a Light Intervention

The group
Steve Rother

Greetings from Home. This day ranks among the top, for many of you have changed your energy entirely.

A Year of Revelation and Discovery

The Master of Light
Claire Montanaro

It is a pleasure to be a part of the discussions concerning occurrences to come in the year 2011 of your time. While of course the details and degree of these great events remain yet to be determined—dependent as they are on human choice in the moment—the template is in place and may be shared.

Awareness as the First Step of Deliberate Ascension

The Lullites
Vera Nadine Boinn

We are the Lullites. We wish you to know the benefits and the purpose of ascension in your daily lives. The benefits of ascension are too numerous to be able to explain them all at once with any deftness. You will, of course, be able to change your physical forms.

Where to Be and When

Amariah Mara

Alas, the much awaited "where to be and when" is upon us. Before we delve into this thrilling topic, please ask yourself where you want to be, and when do you want to be there? Much of the outcome will depend on the consciousness of your answer.


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