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The 11:11:11 Gateways of 2011

The Star Walkers
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Within the void of time and space, there are those who move from reality to reality through zero point, where matter and antimatter coexist. It is the place where positive and negative life forms collide, destroying and creating anew. It is a place of awakening and a place of forgetfulness.

The Practice of Sustained Community Relief

Laura Pieratt

We are Kamala; we are way-showers of potential paths for bringing order to chaos. It is with clear intent and loving light that we bring you these words. There is a pattern emerging that we wish to share with you.

The Age of Light and Shadows

Edgar Cayce and the Rainbow Angels of the LightSource Group
Laurel Steinhice

This is the age of light and shadows upon you at this very moment. Upon each and every one of you, and upon Earth as a whole. You have known for a long time that it was coming, and now it is here.

The Power of Dreaming

Jeff Michaels

As above, so below. There are many desires and hopes that we all wish for. It is a shared quality while on the planet to find a state of peaceful existence. Many look outside of themselves for fulfillment, but the real place for such a state to exist is within.

Return to the Light

Jeff Michaels

As above, so below. The future arrives with each instant of time. Often the family human looks to the future and seeks to make a controlled plan, to designate a specific outcome. It is good to have a goal, an image of what you desire your personal future to look like.

Chaos Fades, Creativity Flourishes in 2011

Sarrinn with the Ancients
Daniele DeVoe

Welcome, lightworkers! The year 2011 is so close to that momentous focus of so many humans—2012.

The Simple, Startling Story of the Shift

Ascended Masters, Archangels, and Beings of Light
Jim Self

Let me tell you a story about the shift that is upon us. It is a story of science, astrology, astronomy, magnetism, and gamma radiation—and just by saying that; I may have already lost three-quarters of you.

Open Your Mind and Expand Your Options

The Council of 12

Imagine what would happen in the world if millions of people began to focus on what is right instead of what is wrong. You can be one of those millions today. Trust that this makes a difference. Your light and focus does matter. It will change your life— and your world.

The Power of Sound to Heal Our Bodies and Our Planet

Jonathan Goldman

It has been nearly fifteen years since we initially added our words to the pages of this magazine. Since the publication of the first volume of our writings, entitled Shifting Frequencies, our voice has remained relatively inactive with regard to adding our name to published works.

The Akashic System

Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. The masters had a phrase: "It is well with me; it is well with my soul." They would say it even in times before death, in times that were frustrating, and in times of difficulty.


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