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On 1-11-11, Creator, 5 Suns, 4 Planets & Lots of ETs Created a Stable Pathway To The Next Dimension for Earth Humans

Pleiadian Teacher of Motions
Robert Shapiro

Il pacht. Greetings. I am here to welcome you to a new era on your planet. This era will see you smoothly into your next spatial shift.

Your Spark of Divinity Is Immortal and Eternal

Archangel Michael

Beloved masters, never forget that your reason for being is to become a conscious cocreator and that our Father/Mother God is the life-giving force of your existence. You must let go of the straightline, linear time concept whereby your choices are limited and influenced by the past.

Polarization Increases Unity Consciousness

Juliano, the Arcturians, Archangel Metatron, and Chief White Eagle
David K. Miller

Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. In this lecture we will discuss the nature of polarization. You are all experiencing intense polarizations on earth and each of you may have different reactions them.

Health and Wellness in the Human Body

Mother Earth (Gaia)
Pepper Lewis

The subject to be considered this day is the body, but I tell you now at the outset that you do not know what the gift of body is. In fact, the body is a very vast energy system, and in its own way— though you do not see it this way—it is as vast as the soul.

Self-Programming for Life In the Fourth Dimension

Kahu Fred Sterling

When you get to the fourth dimension, the colors will be more vibrant and the sounds will be more beautiful than you can imagine. You'll be shocked, but that is how you will know without a doubt that you're in the fourth dimension.

Connect to the Wisdom of Mother Earth

Red Eagle
Therese Dorer

Before me I see a field of tall grass blowing in the wind. The grass sways and moves like waves upon the ocean. From this ocean of grass, I see a vision of a tall, native elder dressed in full buckskin the color of russet red.

Your Desire to Be of Service

The Council of 12

You know that much is changing in the world. You have wanted things to change for a very long time. Your discontent with the status quo has been bubbling to the surface. It's been a long process.

The Thirteenth Crystal Skull: The Paradigm of Perfection

Archangel Metatron
James Tyberonn

Greetings, beloved. I am Metatron, lord of light, and I encircle each of you with unconditional love. There is a pattern for your perfection, masters, and you recalibrate within it daily.

The Gift of Life: A New Phase Opens in Your Creation

The Nameless One
Piama Gilbert

There was a moment in what would feel like eons ago that you were free and light and full of wonder— a moment when you danced in the love of this creation.

Come from the Last Folding Into All That You Are

Expanded Consciousness
Miriandra Rota

Greetings, beloved beings! What a glorious time you are journeying through, as you emerge more and more from the old patterns and manners of experiencing your wondrous selves.


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