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Truth, Order, and Economy in 2013 (24/6)

Rhonda Smith

The coming year will begin manifesting the new world — the enlightened society we all want for our future. The principles of its foundation will be truth, order, and economy.

Our Future Is in Our Own Hands

Michelle Karén

Uranus remains retrograde until December 13. The shadow period continues until March 30, 2013, when it returns to the exact same degree it started its retrogration on. It travels this month from 4°41´ to 4°37´ Aries.

A Year of Chaos and Upheaval

Lynn Buess

The universal number for 2013 is 6: 2+0+1+3=6. Six is the number of relationships, responsibility, emotional security, service, and concern for the welfare of others.

Moving Forward into Love and Joy

Donna Taylor

So, this is the month we've all been waiting for, with that key date in particular: 12–21–12. A little later on, I'll be explaining the astrology of that date and what it means for us — not just globally, but also as individuals. But let's begin at the beginning.

Transition of the Ages: an Astrological Overview

mar de luz

What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.

— Ecclesiastes 1:9

An Antidote to the Selfish Nature of the Modern World

Donna Taylor

Our new year begins with a cluster of planets in Capricorn setting a serious and rather intense mood for 2013. The best use of these energies would be to give some serious thought to the point we have reached on our individual and collective journeys.

Hope Springs for the Future

Michelle Karén

Jupiter remains retrograde this whole month until January 30, 2013. Its shadow period remains until April 25, 2013. In January, it travels from 7º44´ to 6º19´ Gemini.

Creating from Your Center

Rhonda Smith

January 2013 (25/7): You begin the year with the vibration of blending within yourself, finding the center point between your spirit and physical and staying there. This requires you to honor both the left and right brain in union. Both are part of the whole and are meant to work together.

Cosmic Gathering in Pisces & Opportunities for Change

Donna Taylor

Every so often the planets line up in such a way as to bring forth opportunities for change, and February is one such month. Over the next few weeks and especially toward the end of the month, we will all be presented with the chance to heal a wound of some sort.

Practicing the Flow

Rhonda Smith

February 2013 (26/8): This month is full of easy-flowing external energies for you to experience. Take responsibility for your own power and authority while you learn that the flow of giving and receiving is the basis of any unification.


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