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Experience Your Mastery

Rhonda Smith

May 2013 (29/11/2) is a month of being the spiritual light messenger and teacher that you are. There will be an underlying focus and intensity for the entire month that will assist you to help uplift humankind.

Be Your Own Light

Donna Taylor

How many of us are guilty of putting off our dreams? How many of us think, "One day ..." instead of, "Today is the day I will start to take a step toward my miracle"? It's easy to understand why this happens.

It's Time to Expand Our Horizons

Michelle Karén

The last two of the three eclipses that began on April 25 will happen on Thursday, May 9 in Taurus (19°31´) and Friday, May 24 in Sagittarius (4°08´). Eclipses always mark intense times of transition to a new order. They are points of no return that force us to look forward and upward.

Don't Miss Your Chance to Seize Big Opportunities

Donna Taylor

The big news this month is that Jupiter changes signs. After a year in the sign of the twins, it will move into Cancer on June 28. This change will bring a shift in positive focus for everyone but is particularly beneficial for the Cancerians, Arians, Librans, and Capricorns.

Stay Your Course

Michelle Karén

Saturn continues being retrograde this whole month (until July 7) between 5°52´ and 4°52´ Scorpio. The shadow period continues until October 14.

Being in the Joy of You

Rhonda Smith

This year, 2013, we will begin manifesting the new world and the enlightened society that we all want for our future. The principles of the foundation will be truth, order, and economy.

Connect with Your Starbeings

Stephanie Clement

Have you ever wondered whether you can communicate with ascended masters or starbeings? Yes, you can. The only question, then, is how can you do this? What is the most direct path to forming meaningful connections with one or more beings who are sending information to you all the time?

Manifest Your Dreams

Rhonda Smith

In the quarter starting in July 2013 [22], you begin with the vibration of the master builder of the material plane, so realize that your dreams can be manifested. Remember, if you don't have a dream, you can't have a dream come true.

Be Happy with What You Have, but Work for What You Want

Donna Taylor

Every Monday evening I attend a local yoga class. During the relaxation at the end of each class when we are all snuggled up beneath our blankets, the yoga teacher reads us a thought for the day.

Ride the Changes with Grace

Michelle Karén

Uranus remains retrograde this whole month. Its shadow period will remain until April 3, 2014.


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