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The Dark Night of the Soul

Cal Garrison

It is early November, and the Sun crossed the Scorpio cusp about a week ago. Since then, the full moon in Taurus was eclipsed by the Sun, and All Hallows’ Eve has come and gone. We are entering a dark, ruthless, and intense time of year. The sign that rules it reflects those qualities.

Receive Positive Rewards for Hard Work

Michelle Karén

Jupiter remains retrograde this whole month until December 30. Its shadow period ends on March 24, 2024.

Stars Bearing Gifts

Morgan Leigh McKenna

The past few years have been “intense,” and that word seems woefully inadequate in retrospect. Many of us have no memories of such pervasive change.

Dance the Dream Awake

Egyptian Cat Beings
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

November 2023 opens as the cosmic-equinox portal expands, bringing significant sitting-at-the-crossroads moments for the human kingdom.

Feminine Power Rises in the Wood Dragon Year

Vicki Iskandar

The Green Dragon returns in 2024 for the first time since 1964. The Lunar New Year of the Wood Dragon will be celebrated on February 10 as the Moon turns new in China; however, Chinese metaphysicians refer to February 4 as the start of the Wood Dragon year, according to the solar calendar.

An 8 Year of Luck, Wealth, and Power

Elizabeth Joyce

The year 2024 is an 8 year as well as the year of the Dragon. Babies born this year will have leadership skills, cheerful personalities, and be well liked. This is a great year for new beginnings and relocating.

Dream Big

Susan Owens

If you are in a 1 personal year, November is a 3 month. This is your year of new beginnings and planting seeds for what you want to manifest over the next nine years. November is the second month you’ve enjoyed the energy of a 3 this year, and the first was in February.

Everything Hidden Is Illuminated

Kira Raa

Walking our first collective steps as a newly unified moment in this potentiality, the fully embodied and alchemically transformed master is consciously risen.

A Pivotal Year Ahead

Nori Muster

The ancient Daoist oracle, the Book of Changes, is still relevant today. The I Ching is composed of sixty-four hexagrams, each made up of six lines that convey stories and metaphors to describe situations we might face in life. They also describe the best and worst attitudes we can take.

Two Eclipses Bring Endings and Beginnings

Donna Taylor

We inherently know that eclipses are powerful events, so when October 2023 features both a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse, we understand that this is an important month. Looking back at my life, I can see key moments that were triggered by eclipses.


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