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Pluto’s Big Shift: There’s No Going Back

Donna Taylor

January 2024 begins with Pluto poised to leave Capricorn, which is big news given that Pluto has spent the past sixteen years traversing the sign of the mountain goat.

Embrace the True Self

Michelle Karén

Mercury turns direct on Monday, January 1, 2024, at 22°33' Sagittarius. Its shadow period lasts until January 21, 2024.

Old Paradigms Are No More

Egyptian Cat Beings
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

January 2024 begins with Mercury retrograde in late Sagittarius conjunct the Galactic Center, signaling a time of solemn messages and harsh truths spoken from Tiamat about the human kingdom’s strides toward balanced reciprocity with her, each other, and the cosmos.

Emerge into Your Greatest Life

Kira Raa

Commanding the gifts of alchemical transformation, the remembrance that magic is most certainly real embraces your heart with peace, love, and joy. Welcome to the moment that every being in formed awareness took birth to embody. This extraordinary January experience first birthed in 2022.

Be Your Personal Authority

Susan Owens

The year 2024 has a universal 8 energy. This means that regardless of your personal year, 8 energy will flow in your life over the next twelve months. The number 8 relates to management, business, organization, and being your personal authority.

Times of Transformation Require Your Authentic Self

Donna Taylor

Everywhere we look, we see patterns. The planets operate in rhythms and cycles that reflect similar patterns on Earth.

The Dark Night of the Soul

Cal Garrison

It is early November, and the Sun crossed the Scorpio cusp about a week ago. Since then, the full moon in Taurus was eclipsed by the Sun, and All Hallows’ Eve has come and gone. We are entering a dark, ruthless, and intense time of year. The sign that rules it reflects those qualities.

Receive Positive Rewards for Hard Work

Michelle Karén

Jupiter remains retrograde this whole month until December 30. Its shadow period ends on March 24, 2024.

Stars Bearing Gifts

Morgan Leigh McKenna

The past few years have been “intense,” and that word seems woefully inadequate in retrospect. Many of us have no memories of such pervasive change.

Dance the Dream Awake

Egyptian Cat Beings
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

November 2023 opens as the cosmic-equinox portal expands, bringing significant sitting-at-the-crossroads moments for the human kingdom.


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