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Explore and Expand

Michelle Karén

Mercury turns direct on Thursday, February 3 at 24º28' Capricorn. Its shadow period remains until February 24. This degree is represented by the Sabian symbol “an oriental rug dealer in a store filled with precious ornamental rugs.” Tomorrow communication will be back to normal.

Divine Feminine Energies Flow into Earth

Egyptian Cat Beings
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

The new moon is in Aquarius for the West Coast and Hawaii on January 31, 2022, at 9:47pm PST and February 1, 2022, for the rest of the Western world.

Awakened Citizens Become Active

Lynn Buess

World politics and policies are more obviously being administrated under the thumbs of the United Nations and China, and we’re seeing increasing disregard to national sovereignty.

Trust Your Divine Mastery Presence

Kira Raa

The law of instantaneous manifestation arises and anchors through steadfast commitment to illuminate your divine mastery presence. Unification and ignition are the energies that invite your expanding awakening to step into an energetic womb of rebirth.

Invite Beauty and Joy into Your World

Donna Taylor

March is likely to begin with intensity as Venus, Mars, and Pluto align in Capricorn and a new moon occurs in Pisces while Mercury conjuncts Saturn in Aquarius.

Harmonize with Soul-Heart Destiny

Egyptian Cat Beings
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

The energies for March 2022 are all about harmonizing with one’s soul-heart destiny on all levels: physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, etherically, and karmically with all people, places, and circumstances.

Be Present in the Moment

Michelle Karén

Moon in Pisces between Tuesday, March 1 at 12:53pm and Thursday, March 3 at 4:51pm and between Monday, March 28 at 9:32pm and Thursday, March 31 at 2:29pm

The Great Global Shift

Raquel Spring

The astrology of 2022 reveals new celestial events that will change us all in deep ways. Twenty twenty-two is the turning-point year. It is the true global shift. These are not just pretty words.

A Month of Critical Mass Measurement

Lynn Buess

Global and national events may have an impact on your life this month or soon. This is the third month of a 6 universal year. It can be a globally emotional month and possibly the most volatile month of the year.

Your Moment of Divine Mastery Recognition

Kira Raa

Unity, sacred union, and you —this is a month that is brimming with the energy of mastery completion. What is ready is now moving into greater motion, and what has been hiding can be seen for what it really is. Your soul is calling loudly.


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