The energies for the month of May 2021 open with the Moon in Capricorn opposite Mars in Cancer, signaling a challenge of balancing the aspects of home, hearth, and love with building, success, and greed.
The vibration of the month has a lot to do with will, willfulness, independence, self-expression, ego expression, and divine will, to mention a few. “Will” can include national will, social will, institutional will, and the will of the people.
The continuity of infinite creation is expanding. This is the moment to say yes to your ever-present divine flow. Your infinite power of creation is rising and supported by the universe. This is the moment to claim greater empowerment as your clarity resurrects.
June begins with Mercury retrograde, which straight away tells us that this isn’t going to be a normal month. At the very least, if we try to maintain our usual ways of doing things, we could be shown that things will not work very well for us.
June begins with Mercury retrograde in Gemini opposing the Galactic Center, which signals a time when many beings with much information, wisdom, and truth will be traversing upon the cosmic highway in regard to tandem lifetimes and alternate timelines.
As we stand at the midpoint of the year, we might wish to take a moment to reflect on all that has been and where we currently find ourselves. The astrology of July will give us the opportunity to do this.
During July 2021, three of the four points of avatar aligning with wisdom, truth, and timing are activated by one inner and two outer fast-moving planets.
Kira: July is the culmination of everything and every action from May through this moment. This culminating energy is a mastery moment to call forward all your visions and dreams in harmony with your beautiful physical form. This is the moment to trust you.