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Shifting Values Call for Greater Accountability

Shifting Values Call for Greater Accountability The Egyptian Cat Beings through Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

September 2021 begins with five planets retrograde — Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, Uranus in Taurus, Neptune in Pisces, and Pluto in Capricorn — continuing into mid-October. Mercury goes retrograde September 27 to October 18 in Libra. Worldwide, the energies of restructuring, reordering, and reorganizing are at the forefront all month as individuals, companies, countries, and institutions come under severe scrutiny as to whether they provide the services they profess.

Challenges and confrontations are likely wherever there is incongruency between what is promised or alluded to and what is actually taking place, as the controlled and restrictive frameworks of science, social programs, and education are designed more to teach conformity than to help people explore the creative soul-heart gifts they have to offer. Many might opt to walk away from the long-standing positions they have held due to their inner truth center/soul hearts deciding they are no longer able or willing to support or lend energy to people or institutions that misrepresent themselves and continue to take more than they give.
