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Keep Your Eyes on Greatness and Light

Keep Your Eyes on Greatness and Light Michelle Karén

With the lunar eclipse in Pisces, Pluto returning for the last time in Capricorn, Mars entering Cancer, and Venus entering Scorpio, as well as the Sun and Mercury both entering Libra, September is a major turning-point month. On Tuesday, September 17, a lunar eclipse occurs in Pisces (25°41') at 7:34pm. We might want to remember what happened in our lives during the 1997 and 2016 lunar eclipses in Pisces, which occurred at similar degrees, as this will give us an indication of what to expect. Our feelings, creative imagination, prophetic dreams, and idealism are greatly enhanced. Because this cosmic event makes us acutely aware of flaws and imperfections, some people might feel irrationally tense and irritated. Others might walk around in a dream, their common sense having gone out the window, oblivious to reality, escaping into a world of their own invention. Still, others might become very aware of their emotional needs and what is lacking in their romantic lives and thus very clear on what needs to change in their love relationships.
