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Prayer and Thankfulness Are Needed Now

Prayer and Thankfulness Are Needed Now Archangel Gabriel through Arthur Fanning

You are in positions of consciousness individually as a self. The interior of your body is beginning to recognize that it requires a spiritual force, the force of the Holy Spirit, to move across the bone, to excite the bone, so the bone sweats, and you understand it as blood manufacture in the bone marrow. So in a way, you're going up inside yourself, beginning to recognize such and you understand the need for the self to participate in the divine experiment, which is self-enlightenment, understanding of the wisdom of God, the force that provides life for everything — all things — everything. It is the force that provides the function called life, as you understand it. The body breathes, the lungs, the chakras.

There are ones who do not want humanity to succeed in this quest. And there are those who are guardians who are here now to protect the space, primarily, which is God's mercy; the space is God's mercy. You're in it, in the mercy of God, no one else, to understand yourself in the divine nature of the force, which is truth, which is the planet. Because you're standing on truth; that's who she is — your body came from it. The body is truth. What you're seeing now is your display of your truth from your wisdom inside you.

Here's the phrase that mirrors everyone else: You are gods incarnate, becoming! You descend in order to ascend with knowledge, wisdom, understanding, peace, charity, blessings, kindness, mercy! You receive no power unless you can use and understand what mercy is.
