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A New Astrology Perspective for 2013 and Beyond

Three Johns
Nansea Lee

Twenty thirteen is calling on each one of you to bring more awareness into your lives. More light codes are igniting, and more awareness is accessible. There are many hidden messages for you in your individual astrological chart.

The New Dream Begins When 2013 Arrives

Reshel (feminine aspect of Lord Metatron) with the Lemurian Council of Light
Pat Crosby

Mayans have called 2013 the new dream, the new beginning. Indeed, you have in mass consciousness dreamed an old dream that has well run its course. Congratulations on running so many masterful lesson plans, dear humans!

More Interaction with Other Realities in the Years to Come

Rae Chandran

Greetings. I am Yahui, Lemurian master. Since the awakening that started in the 1960s and has continued to the present time, there have been many changes in your world. These changes will continue for the next thirty years or more.

You Are Becoming a Crystalline Adam/Eve Kadmon

Golden Dolphin Avatars of Sirius B
Nina Brown

The light, dear ambassadors of the Golden Dolphin energies on planet Earth, is what we wish to talk about this radiant morning. You look outside the window and see clouds, or you see rain, and we say that this morning is radiant.

Shared Wealth: a Key to Ascension

The Pleiadian Light
Hannah Beaconsfield

Many lightworkers who are also among the first ascenders are still questioning when the transformational changes will be so obvious that it won't require a leap of faith to believe it is really happening.

Step Forward and Shine On

Maya Cointreau

There is such a great proliferation of love and light right now on your planet. A few bodies are still pushing the fears, pushing the lies, but no one is really buying it anymore. The mass consciousness of humanity on Earth is really and truly well beyond that now.

The New You, the New Humanity, and the New Earth

The Lullites
Vera Nadine Boinn

Hello. We are the Lullites. We are happy to come and share with you the developments for your planet and your species in the coming year, 2013.

Unlock the Door of Your Perception and Discover New Worlds

The Hathors
Tom Kenyon

We wish to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing you in the coming year and the years to follow. First, we will deal with the challenges to your planet in the three-dimensional reality of your life. Then we will turn our attention to the evolutionary opportunities awaiting you.

Vertical Predictions

Jesua ben Joseph (Jesus)
Judith Coates

Beloved one, I will speak with you now about the predictions and prophecies you have heard that 2012 will be a great year with a great turning point in the last month of the year, a turning point that will influence 2013.

Your Graduation from the Darkness

Lois Noonan

Greetings, dear ones! How grateful I am to be with you during this auspicious moment in eternity. So be it!


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