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Gifts from the Stars: The Extraterrestrial Traces in Your DNA Will Soon Be Activated

Gifts from the Stars: The Extraterrestrial Traces in Your DNA Will Soon Be Activated Arcturians through Abby Isadora Haydon

We are the Arcuturians. We have come again to share more about vibration and awakening. Many of you realize this, but we are coming again to state this clearly. You are all descended from many extraterrestrial races. You all have within your bodies some remnants of DNA traces from other star systems that have come to your planet through visitations in eons past. Unfortunately, races have visited here that were attuned to functioning on a less–evolved level. That is why many are prone to violence and domination. They are acting as their ancestors from the dark worlds behave.

The 12–21–12 Is Your Activation Date

Fortunately, there are also remnants of extraterrestrial races that bring beneficial effects to life on your planet. It is these influences that we wish to discuss. All the DNA alterations that have been infused within the inhabitants of this world will begin to be stimulated after the activation date of 12–21–12. This is a very powerful time in which many additives that have been placed within the humans here will begin to be activated.

These traces of alien DNA are not visible to the scientific equipment that you have available. Many have sensed this activation coming and have talked about the ten strands of DNA that will be added to your own soon. Many see this as coming on the spiritual level, but it will come to manifest within your physical bodies in the next three years.
