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Animal Consciousness: The Divinity of Cats and Dogs

Animal Consciousness: The Divinity of Cats and Dogs Archangel Metatron through James Tyberonn

Greetings, masters! I am Metatron, lord of light, and I embrace you in this moment. I am joined by and welcome the presence and energies of the ascended masters of the cosmic council of light and those benevolent beings of the Sirian-Pleiadian alliance. We combine in plurality and in joy to welcome each of you here in a now moment of unconditional love. Take a moment of pause before you read the channel; close your eyes for an instant and feel the enormous wave of unconditional love that we direct to you.

Now we begin. Dear ones, with the understanding that you are here for learning, we tell you that the "university of polarity Earth" is specifically designed for the evolution of the human soul. The Earth supports that mission by divine plan and by agreement. Indeed, dear human, all of the kingdoms of Earth are part of that. Accordingly, we tell you that there are versions of other beings of divine intelligence that are here to support humanity in your purpose here. These include master beings from many realms.

Many of these master beings are within what humanity terms the animal kingdom. Some of their fully evolved consciousness forms have made visitations here to support you in myriad benevolent ways. Yet also be aware that there are versions of benevolent master beings that have by agreement chosen to manifest in various step-down forms to support humanity.

Those of the animal kingdom on Earth are here to support you. Part of that process involves their expression on the Earth plane in group consciousness. The deepest dimensions of the animal self exists not at the level of the individual but as part of the collective group mind of the entire species. Animals operate in nonindividualized group conscious mind specifically because it is a format of support. The animal kingdom is not on Earth in duality lesson. It is important to understand this. We address this topic herewith in this channeled assay.

Getting Sirius About Cats and Dogs

So we speak this gathering of the sacred Felidae of Sirius A. The sacred Felidae and Canidae are incredible beings that bring tremendous support to the field and purposed evolutionary growth of humanity. The Felidae are divine intelligence, fully evolved and magnificently conscious in crystalline expression. They are members of both the Sirian-Pleiadian alliance and what may be termed the niburian mastery council, both of which are benevolently involved in the upshift of the consciousness evolution of planets and planetary races prepared to graduate into the next level in their ascension.

The Felidae are a feline species who originate on Sirius A. These are beings who have entered the Earth plane since ancient times in specific roles and formats. The versions currently in physical form on the Earth plane are what may be termed the feline and canine families They are here on the Earth plane to support you, and in their physical matrix, they are but a portion of the consciousness of their Sirian nature. That is because the Felidae expression on Earth are in group soul format. They are not here to evolve as a species but rather to support Earth and assist humanity in evolution. The greater part of their consciousness is above the level of the Earth plane. The feline operate vastly in the ethereal or stealth antimatter realm. Their full consciousness existed and manifested in the Lemurian, Atlantean, and early Egyptian eras.

The masters of the sacred Felidae were involved in the genetic engineering in the temple of purification on Poseida in Atlantis during the golden age of the law of one. This was done in a very positive and benevolent manner, prior to such technology being tragically misused by the Aryan sons of Belial in the sad demise of the final era of Atlantis.

The Felidae of Sirius A and cetacean Sirian-B masters are skilled at integrating spirit into physical matter. This involves not only giving life force to a physical form but also integrating higher chakric levels of consciousness within the physical matrix in merkanah-level multidimensionality. This ability to work with humanity in energetic terms involves activating higher chakras and higher crysto-light bodies. This higher level of consciousness is the crystos consciousness, and the cetaceans are indeed crystalline masters. Their renewed role on Earth includes assisting the shift transition from the declining magnetic polarity grid to the evolving crystalline grid.

The Animals Are Our Forgotten Teachers

The beings of the animal kingdom have taught humans far more than you presently recognize. The earthen versions of the animal world operate in a thought-pattern matrix uniquely formatted to the natural aspect of the Earth plane. On a level far more comprehensive than you currently grasp, the members of the animal kingdom are here by agreement to support humanity on many levels. Their understanding of the Earth plane as a university of development for humanity extends from their mastery source.

The animal kingdom has a fuller, vaster understanding and awareness of the other conscious kingdoms of Earth and has always had the ability to teach that to humanity. Quite unfortunately, you have largely forgotten in current times how much you learned from all of the beings of the animal kingdom. Humanity in campestral societies and indigenous cultures learned a great deal about medicine and nutrition by watching animal behavior in interaction with the plant kingdom. Humanity observed carefully which plants to avoid and which to cultivate. Humans learned survival techniques, and indeed social behavior, by not only watching the animals but also by directly communicating telepathically with them.

In earlier sojourns and more formative epochs, humans far more closely identified with and understood the intelligence and wisdom offered by the natural instinctual patterns of the animal kingdom. They recognized the animals as wise teachers. And as a result, the animal kingdom identified with humanity and interacted with it to a truly remarkable degree.

The animal spirits or totems recognized and honored as wisdom carriers, teachers, and providers by the Native Americans are examples of the higher group collective of the greater off-planet consciousness of the animal kingdom etherically manifesting for a brief era to assist humanity in spirit form. Indeed the Native American ceremonies offered in recognition and honor of specific animals motivated the greater intelligence of these creatures to work directly and harmoniously with benevolent humans of the indigenous tribal societies.

The knowledge and intuitive communication of the animal kingdom with the elemental and devic consciousness of the living earth, mineral, fire, and air could be of great assistance to humanity, providing signals forward in this time of Earth changes.

Evolved Aquatic Beings

So are the beings from Sirius B primarily aquatic and the beings from Sirius A feline?

The inhabited realm circulating Sirius B is primarily aquatic and the cetaceans, the dolphins, and the whales are aquatic. Yet they are also possessed of a consciousness high enough to manifest form that can live equally well within the aqueous realm and what would be termed land.

The life forms of the sister star, Sirius A, are different expressions than the cetaceans. Sirius A is home to humanoid life (starseed) as well as the sacred starseed Felidae. These are all beings of divine intelligence who have varied expressions supporting the Earth plane. They all interact with your planet on many levels and in myriad forms.

You have mentioned that only humans are in soul evolution on planet Earth. Aren't the dolphins and whales also in a high state of consciousness and evolution?

The sacred cetaceans are indeed in an exalted state of evolution. But they are not on Earth to evolve—they are already evolved. So understand they are here on Earth to support the planet and assist humanity in so doing. The cetacean are physically here to anchor the energy in the aquatic portions of Earth to enable the planetary balance and facilitate the shift from magnetic to crystalline. The etheric, nonphysical return of the golden dolphins represents the sacred cetaceans in full avatar mastery, directly assisting humanity to evolve into crystalline merkanah field.

The Felidae are assisting humanity in physical manifestation and have also assisted in etheric, nonphysical avatar mastery, particularly in Atlantis, Central America, and Egypt. The physical forms and manifestations of the Felidae in the animal kingdom are in the step-down form. They are here to assist you in emotional and mental fields. This is the primary topic of today's discourse—the Felidae in the expression of feline and canine.

Cats Are Tuned to the Ethereal Realm, Dogs to the Physical World

I am intrigued by the information on the Felidae and Canidae of Sirius A. Are you speaking of cats and dogs? Can you expand on this?

Certain breeds of what may be termed house cats and dogs are indeed uniquely designed derivations of the starseed Felidae. They perform specific roles in assisting humans. The domestic versions of cats and dogs were genetically engineered in the golden age of Atlantis. The genetic engineering was performed benevolently by the Sirian-Pleiadian alliance in an extremeley helpful effort to assist humanity as it became more densely engrained in the Earth plane.

Now, what you term as canine and feline are of the same source, both being derivations of the starseed Felidae. Cats and dogs are different physical forms of the same source. The Felidae of Sirius A are fully conscious crystalline beings. They have melded into group unity consciousness yet still retain aspectual, individual identities within the greater harmonic field. The group field chooses to assist humanity in your universe and others.

Both cats and dogs in this derivation are serving as benevolent energy giving assistance to humans, their caretakers. Both have the capacity to meld their energy fields with those of the human. They are also both uniquely capable of becoming personality fragments of their human caretakers. That is why certain of these cats and dogs can often begin to display the physical characteristics of their owners, although this particular aspect occurs more commonly with the canine. The canine exudes an extreme loyalty and unconditional love, a dedication that is received energetically by the human owner. It can provide assistance in many ways. Dogs become companions, healers, and protectors.

The feline, the cat, is much more in the ethereal (antimatter) realm in its conscious field. That is why many past societies worshiped the feline forms of jaguar, lion, tiger, and puma. These beings are extremely aware of thought forms of the ethereal realms and offer stealth, strength, and protection. The house cat is capable of tremendous protection from untoward thought forms and negative energies for its caretakers. Certain breeds of dogs have this ability as well, but it is expressed and enacted differently.

So one of the major differences between the cat and dog expressions of the Felidae is that dogs are more in the physical realm than cats. From an overview cats are far more etheric within the antimatter field, while dogs exist far more in physical matter. Dogs react more to the direct frequency of your emotions, whereas cats react more to vibration and light emanations. Dogs will feel and react to anger and guilt in a more tangible way than cats. Cats cannot experience guilt, and that detachment from human emotional waves is why cats may seem rather aloof.

Healing Vibrations and Correcting Imbalances

The purring of a cat is very beneficial in healing, repairing, and protecting the human aura. The psychic abilities and aspects of cats have long been recognized. Temple cats were used in many ancient societies to energetically anchor and guard sacred sites. Cats have also been desired as partners, allies, and protectors by mystics, healers, and shaman of various indigenous societies and monk hoods. The wolf and other similar canine species possess similar attributes in the psychic and mystical realms. That is because both cats and dogs have a powerfully enhanced capacity to sense and see in far greater dimensionality than the human eye.

The service of cats and dogs in therapeutic work with abused children, terminally ill patients, the depressed, and the elderly in nursing homes are prime examples of their considerable healing abilities. The applications in the arena of pet therapy healing are indeed becoming more and more recognized. This recognition will expand much further in the future.

Dogs are more in the physical field of matter and sense or feel the auric field. Indeed, they are extremely capable of understanding the direct resonant vibrations of the human emotional field. Additionally, dogs assist in helping humans better understand their feelings and emotional blockages and even help them work through these problems into a better state of balance. We will speak more on these attributes further into this discussion.

The service of seeing-eye dogs with the blind is another area in which great bonds are created. Dogs are able to feel and even smell dis-ease within the human body. They will often lay their own bodies in the area of the human malady and transfer energy to assist in righting the imbalance. They will also mentally project awareness of the malady to the human through direct telepathic communication.

Your Cat Sees Far More Than You Do

Cats will provide a similar service, but their sensory perception of the human imbalance is visually observed. A cat sees the human auric field in great clarity, vivid color, and fine detail. Areas of malady will appear discolored to the feline. The cat will often lay on the area and purr, exuding a balancing light emanation and sonic frequency to enable the healing rebalance.

Cats see above the visible light spectrum. They can actually see the human auric field, the Human EMF, and all manner of energy emanations invisible to the human eye. The wide spectrum that cats perceive in light fields is quite amazing. Cats see in fields of both nonphysical matter and nonmatter (antimatter). If you observe a cat in your outdoor flower gardens, take note of its quick head movements and focal prowling stances at seemingly invisible objects. They are indeed seeing all manner of things in the elemental devic kingdom, the ethereal fae, the dreamscape horizon of beings you term faeries, sprites, and elves. The famed curiosity of the cat is indeed due to its incredible sensory perception. Its vision is constantly filled with lights and emanations from spectrums and dimensions far beyond those of the human. They "see‚" thought forms and even the electromagnetic fields of tiny insects and elves.

Cats also are uniquely able to assist humans in better understanding their dreams and dream world interludes. They are also capable of assisting you in attainting more lucid awareness while in an ongoing dream—in other words, they can help you achieve greater conscious clarity during dreamstates. The feline is extremely adept at what you would term out-of-body experience, or astral travel.

Unique Melding with Human Consciousness

The version of Felidae and Canidae that are cats and dogs are but fragments of the full consciousness and energy spectrum of their Sirian aspects. Yet this expression is specifically and purposefully designed to be so, for these beings can become so bonded with the humans they serve that a unique third consciousness can succinctly evolve between the human and the "pet" that is extremely beneficial to the evolvement of the human caretaker.

The earthen consciousness of the dogs and cats operates on thought patterns with powerful instinctual triggers. Their benevolently designed, divinely agreed on DNA engineering is such that they have a unique and divinely purposed ability to become allied and programmed in a partnership with the humans they are working with. When this partnership occurs, these beings are able to telepathically receive thought images sent by their caretakers. Just as human thought can program a living crystal, the same occurs with dogs and cats, albeit in a different format. It may be termed as the formation of a personality aspect of the human within the cat or dog. The pet is then capable of assisting the human in both physical and emotional ways—providing comfort, energy, healing, companionship, detecting illness, sealing auric ruptures, and providing protection in physical and etheric realms.

One of the most common therapeutic applications of cats and dogs is that these benevolent beings help you awaken your ability to express love. It is very easy to give affection to the household animal. For many, this is far easier than expressing love and kindness to other humans. Indeed, many humans have household pets in cats and dogs that help them work through blockages. Depending on the individual human, these blockages can occur for many reasons. Very often as humans grow older, their children move away and their spouses pass over. This is a seemingly natural period of depression due to the onset of lonely isolation. Interaction with a pet can awaken the flow of love through fond endearment. This nurturing interaction awakens the very life force in the isolated caretaker, and an endearing interplay that is very therapeutic occurs.

The Third Consciousness Field Benefits Your Pet Too

We tell you that there is far more design and intelligence in the willing participation of the Felidae and Canidae than is recognized. When the third consciousness between humans and their pets is formed through interaction, it expands the field of both parties. It awakens within itself characteristics that neither of the parties involved have on their own. In other words, it stretches and expands the emotional field awareness and indeed the third meld consciousness. This reaches back into the individual awareness of both human and pet and changes both. The pet opens up your ability to remain positive in allowing you to express love. And in doing so, you teach your pet— in a manner of speaking—to channel the greater part of its divine Sirian consciousness.

Your willingness to have the interaction allows it to achieve its specific purpose, and there is an important growth on both sides unique to the field created between the two of you. The pet operated only in group consciousness parameters prior to its melding blend with the human, and so its individuality is truly only formed in the bond with the human.

Those of you who have pets have an obligation to care for them responsibly and treat them with nurturing love and kindness. Cruelty to any member of the animal kingdom is untenable. Do you understand?

Are you saying that animals are not individual unless they blend with the human to form the "consciousness meld" with them?

In a manner of speaking, yes, that is what we are saying. But to be clear, we are not saying that animals do not have individual aspects before the meld. Each are incarnate in physical bodies and indeed subject to the gravitational characteristics, to some degree, that occur in the astrological influences in all life on Earth. Animals that are feral are also subject to the natural instincts of species survival and express that according to their environs. But they operate fully and only in group-soul awareness until the unique meld with humans(s) occurs. That interaction is succinct and builds a personalitymeld consciousness fragmentation capable of growing in individual awareness and identity.

We are not saying that animals do not have a group purpose without the meld. The group purpose is transformed into singular service in the expanded field by means of the human interaction with the group soul of the household pet as expressed in the individual cat or dog. It is therefore the human interaction that creates the individual identity field within the pet. So in a manner of speaking, the animal has agreed to be benevolently programmed in blend with the mental field, emotional field, and personality of the human caretaker for higher purpose.

This is how the third field is created, and that third field is a fragment of the human consciousness that benefits both human and pet, you see. Yet the primary purpose is to benefit the human. And that is a very specialized service provided by the Felidae. But there is a choice whether or not to accept the human on the part of the Felidae. And when that bond is mutually accepted, the greater role of the group soul can be fed into the meld. Then wisdom, protection, and healing can be given from the pet to the human. So understand that this third meld is a conduit that is very far reaching, but occurs by mutual agreement.

How Your Cat or Dog Provides You With Protection

The Atlanteans, Lemurians, and Egyptians in particular interacted with the Felidae in roles of guardianship and wisdom transfer. The Egyptian temples contain many hieroglyphs depicting the Felidae with feline heads and human torsos and limbs, complete with the solar disk of enlightenment. The Sphinx is the reverse—the human head with the feline body.

How exactly do cats and dogs offer protection to humans? Is this by their greater awareness of other dimensions?

Yes, they do this by specifically being much more in tune with other realms that are, as we have explained, somewhat invisible to human physical senses. The guardianship in the specific forms described "household" or "human-interface" versions of the Sirian beings is performed in a beautiful manner. It is not only achieved through the detection of what may be termed negative energies but also by neutralizing untoward energies by powerful projections of benevolent, loving energy vibrations orchestrated through the Sirian Felidae to the human. The Sirian being diagnoses exactly what is needed and channels the necessary vibration to assist their caretakers.

You do not always recognize that you induce auric fracturing when you become depressed or highly upset. These states form negative fields that open you to untoward electromagnetic attachments that can be energetically draining. When a cat purrs, the vibration is one of deep contentment. The frequency within that vibration is very healing, capable of evaporating negative fields by neutralizing them. Likewise, when dogs playfully wag their tails, jump, and run in joyous spins, they are forming energy vortexes capable of cleansing the energies, much like dolphins do. They are projecting a channeled vibratory frequency that is extremely beneficial to their environments not only removing negative vibrations but also creating a shield to eliminate their re-entry. When cats seem to patrol the perimeter of a room, house, or yard, they are also exuding a protective field.

Dogs and Cats Are Inverses of the Same Frequency

We will tell you that the Felidae and the Canidae, the feline and canine, are from the same root source of Sirius A, although their expressions on Sirius A are fully evolved. The household versions of these beings are in fact physical formats, genetically engineered by the Sirians to assist humanity in the ways we are herewith discussing.
