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Making Sense of Now: A Tipping Point in 2012, Year of the Dragon

The Council of 12

Living now is unlike living at any other time. If you are like most people, you have more questions than answers and you wonder more about what’s coming next. The following are five key themes associated with being alive during 2012.

It Is Time to Share Your Radiance

Archangel Michael

Beloved masters, the structured material world humanity has created over the many past ages is quickly crumbling. Forced, restrictive material boundaries and limitations are being left behind and replaced with the tolerant concepts of fairness and equality.

The Recalibration of the Human Being

Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. It seems like only a moment ago that I told you there would be changes in the room, and I can feel them; the attribute of those from the other side of the veil is compassion. There are always questions, however.

Open to the Miracle of Truly Remembering Who You Are

Golden Dolphin Avatars of Sirius B
Nina Brown

Dear ones, as we greet you on the new day, on this new year, on this moment of global transformation and personal expansion in consciousness, know the profound love that we have for all of humanity.

Embrace Mother Earth

Sheila Simon

Welcome, my friends. This is Vywamus speaking. Mother Earth needs your loving attention right now as she transitions through changes in her elliptical orbit around the Sun.

The Law of Attraction, Belief, and Conscious Creation

Archangel Metatron
James Tyberonn

Greetings, masters! I am Metatron, lord of light, and I greet you in a field of unconditional love. Much has been written about the law of attraction. We will address this topic herewith, but our sharing separates the law of attraction from the law of conscious creation.

A Time to Cleanse the Emotional Body

Pleiadian/Sirian Downloads
Abby Isadora Haydon

I recently purchased art from the Ashtar Command brought through by Bryan de Flores. The information printed on the back of the picture states: “This cosmic information downloading matrix allows you to receive information from other planets and dimensions of time and space.

The Healing Power of Peace

Yeshua ben Jospeh (Jesus)
Judith Coates

Beloved ones, throughout various lifetimes, you have always sought me. You have wondered, “Where is that love?

Creating in Unity Consciousness from Creational Nodes

Laura Pieratt

We are aligned in peace. Our brothers and sisters of the light join here now in shared intent. They are peaceful, passionate, and enthusiastic about creating peace within and peace without, peace in all phases of expression.

Miracles Occur!

Archangel Metatron
Lois Noonan

To be with you in these times is such a bonus. Part of my role is to share with every soul that chooses to listen—and let me tell you, the numbers are increasing rapidly. As more and more souls awaken, we welcome them. This is part of our mission, and it is not an imposition for us.


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