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You Are the Wholeness Of Being, Taking Form as Everything

You Are the Wholeness Of Being, Taking Form as Everything Merlin and Expanded Consciousness through Miriandra Rota

Greetings, my dears. This is your friend Merlin coming forth to speak with you about current events in a way that perhaps will change your perspective a little. You are all familiar with the theories of what will occur in the year 2012, and you are all familiar with the discussions pro and con about whether your world will end during that year. Some of you have theorized that the ending is truly the ending of a way of living and an opportunity to grow spiritually and consciously.

Well, let's have a little discussion about all of that, shall we? And no, this is not the typical discussion of the year 2012. More so, my dears, I'd like to discuss you—my favorite topic—and your ever-expanding consciousness. And we'll talk more about how to live in this tumultuous time on Earth. Then let's get going here!
