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The Awakening of the Gods that You Are in 2011

The Awakening of the Gods that You Are in 2011 The Golden Council of Light through Ana Ubensmith

Greetings! In 2011 the excitement of being alive on planet Earth continues as you are invited to participate in the unfolding of this new cycle of creation. However, we are not insensitive to the pain and suffering that you are now experiencing. This amazing year brings more of the same as you experienced last year but with more intensity. How can it be otherwise? You are not done yet—the journey into fifth dimension is not complete and you are not yet the beings that you came here to be.

The lesson is to learn the yoga of detachment—let go of all the things your personality values. Yoga means union with self and spirit, and detachment means separation. You are being asked to be judicious in determining what needs to stay in your life and what can go. Letting go is not the same as giving up. It simply means to surrender all to spirit and place it at the feet of the beloved. Many will lose their jobs or become disillusioned with their careers, foreclosures and bankruptcies will continue to rise, and families will seemingly be torn apart. Maintain a sense of equanimity by realizing that you are enrolled in the Earth school. Let go of the victim mentality and align with your higher self by engaging in practices that bring you solace—nature walks, music, dancing, art, sports, contemplation, prayer, reflection, meditation, and so on. It would serve you well to realize that things will never again be as they were.
