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The Magic Is Just Beginning

Merlia and the group
Steve Rother

I have come to Earth this day to help you balance energy. There is so much moving on your planet and many things taking place simultaneously; it is very magical for us to watch from this side of the veil.

Three Questions to Identify Junk Thoughts

The One Life
Catherine Weser

Have you ever been plagued by a train of thought that takes you nowhere? It keeps coming up and annoying you over and over again. These thoughts are not creative. These thoughts are often critical and unkind. These thoughts can nag you for days, months, and sometimes even years.

Become as the Feather

The Council of Transition
Takeli MMagdalen

Greetings, beloved ones. I am Mufa. I hold you all in my light, as do we all on the Council of Transition. What transpires now on your Earth plane is a gift, one that does not appear as that which you would have chosen to receive in the form in which it is given.

Spiritual Partnerships: Help From Beyond

Kenneth Drake

All that we ask of you, dear one, is that you, within your world, simply be open to our presence around you. All that is required for the world of the spirit to assist the world of the living is but a simple, childlike openness.

— Damon

The Awakening of the New Human

The Collective Soul
Carolyn Gervais

The Creative Essence as energy is the only true reality.

Work with Moon Energy to Gain Self-Realization

Isis and the Moon and Archangel Gabriel
Rae Chandran

Hello, my friends and family. This is Isis. Welcome to the gathering of light. When two or more people are gathered, energy is created. This creates a grid of light and brings people together through that light, and we thank you for this. You are all very well aware of the light.

Goddess 101, Part 3: Lead with Love

The Goddess of the Light of the Seventh Universe and Supreme Creator Goddess

Goddess 101 is a course in love. It has returned to reconnect humanity to its greater spirit and to the Goddess herself. I have returned to guide and shower you with light and love during this time of beginning the New Earth.

The Healing Power of Inner Truth

Cosmic Logos Mahatma
Natalie Glasson

To awaken is to remember, and to remember is to see, sense, or acknowledge. This is an inner knowingness that is often indescribable, yet it can be expressed in numerous unique ways.

The Collective "Our" Nature

The Cosmic Essene
Sri Ram Kaa

Hello, beloved angels. We reach out as freedom fighters and as beloved beings of luminescent crystalline light and energy. A brilliant hello and welcome to you!

The Practical Old Soul

Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. You are facing a beautiful, beautiful energy, yet you may not realize it. To get from dark to light, there are profound transitions.


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