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What Will You Fear?

Jeff Michaels

As above, so below. In the societies of the Earth today there is a prevalent feeling of disquiet that more and more often ranges into fear. Is this a necessary emotion, one that is somehow correct for the current time? Or is this a manufactured feeling, one that interrupts spiritual growth?

Updates and Upgrades 2010

Mother Earth (Gaia)
Pepper Lewis

Can you give us an update on how Earth is doing right now and how you feel? Can you tell us more about the oil spill in the gulf and how the ecosystems are faring there?

ETs Disarmed Nuclear Missiles

ET from Orion on ship photographed in 1964
Robert Shapiro

All right! Greetings.

Well, greetings! Who's this?

The Importance of Being a Way-Shower

The Energy of Edgar Cayce
Bente Hansen

Greetings. I feel among you a lively curiosity, and at the same time there is a willingness and an openness within you. This is an indication that you are receptive. You are more than idly curious; you are receptive. You are receptive to new possibilities.

Helping the Thinking Mind Relinquish Physicality

Expanded Consciousness and the Divine Mother
Miriandra Rota

Beloved beings, greetings on this wondrous day! We are Expanded Consciousness, and for this moment we would flow forth in answer to your call to be relieved of struggle.

Energetic Consciousness and Intelligent Design

Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. The pendulum of reality swings yet again into my corner and there is an element of disbelief here. In a group of old souls, there is always this. They say it's too easy—too easy to fake.

Live Empty to Rise Above

St. Germain
Molly Rowland

Beloved masters, what exciting times these are! The shift from the energy of the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age is so intense. There are those who are desperately clinging to the old ways and wanting to fight anything and everything that suggests change.

Accepting the Dream in Your New Universe

The New Ascended Masters
Maurene Watson

Masters, kiss the sky and pinch yourselves! In 2011 you will see signs and trends of your golden age everywhere.

What Do I Do Now?

Lynette Leckie-Clark

I come into your presence once again. Your previous month of October was a magical time for those who chose to look and feel the uplifting new energies.

Your Body, Your Soul, Your Compassion

Norma Gentile

The seed for this channeled message from Mary was planted during a longer meditative channeling I did recently in which Archangel Michael and Mary spoke about the human virtues we will be evolving into expressing in the coming year.


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