Beloved students and friends, I greet you as you enter a fresh calendar month. I encourage you to face the challenges and potentials that come your way with patience, good humor, and an active recognition of the dynamic imperatives a planetary paradigm shift requires.
Beloved one, we are going to speak of springtime. You look forward to spring, but the springtime we are talking about is the springtime of your life. Truly, you are living the springtime of your life no matter how many years you have garnered.
If it had been real, you might not be reading this. On a Saturday morning just after eight, I was coming downstairs for breakfast when our phones rang with an alert. I thought, “Hmm, it’s those high waves on the north shore they were expecting. They were supposed to be 45 to 50 feet today.”
Are the WiFi and EMF (electromagnetic field) frequencies going to be our demise because they are harmful to our bodies, or are they going to help us into the higher dimensional realms by increasing our frequencies?
The energies that have come this spring have given you the opportunity to see yourself as you have always known you are deep in your heart — a good person with a good soul and good intentions.
Loving blessings extend from my being as I come forth emitting the innermost vibrations of clarity. Clarity is the truth of the Creator in action. Each soul can access and has the ability to deliver the clarity of the Creator.
I have awakened the visionaries and messengers who carry the energy codes for my immortal consciousness. I have touched each heart with the light of the beloved and the promise of the awakening of the Divine Feminine within the souls of humanity.
Every astral plane vibrates at a certain frequency of consciousness, expressing as the life energy of creation itself. Each plane, or frequency, is not multidimensionally separate from other planes. They gradually merge just as different colors of thick paint can blend.
Well now, here we are once again to speak, my dears! This is your friend Merlin, and today I speak with you about the most important factor in your life: you! Oh, you might think I’m joking, but I truly am not.
Dear ones, I am Amma, the Divine Mother of the divine mothers, and I am your mother. How deeply I love you. You are in my womb. You are in my heart. You are part of my very being.