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Receive Your Spiritual Download of Better Understanding and Intuition

Receive Your Spiritual Download of Better Understanding and Intuition Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde and Mahatma Gandhi and Shockara Starbeings through Blue Turtle

Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde: Beloved children of the Creator, as you learn to sense the presence and action of healing energies while you move through life, you can tune in to the vibrational frequencies of the Divine to discern how circumstances operate through spontaneity and intervention. You know how you are embraced, guided, and inspired by your constant interaction with the Creator and creation.

When you attune to the highest frequencies of the Divine, you gain access to akashic records to help others around you. Remember to always ask for full protection and to move yourself out of the way to allow the spiritual light and love to come through you as an instrument of the Creator.

It is powerfully important to do your rituals and ceremonies for healing, abundance, and well-being with your family and community. You will renew and revitalize the power of creation to help you and others in this lifetime with current challenges. Each of you coming together has different and special gifts that you will share with one another.
