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Return of the Clan of the Bright Eyes

Return of the Clan of the Bright Eyes The group through Steve Rother

Greetings from Home, dear ones. Today we take you on a journey to share with you what is taking place right now and will take place over the next several months. Changes allow all of you to anchor your real work. Many people ask, “What is my work? What am I supposed to do?” We find real work in our passion, but what if we don’t know what our passion is? You are playing the game of pretending to be human. The veil that you devised is thick and keeps you from re-membering who you are and your history before this life. It also keeps you from re-membering your own spirit.

When we call you by your original spirit name, most of you don’t even turn around. That’s how long you’ve been playing this game of pretending to be separate. Today we’d like to share with you something to watch for. Everyone on Earth will experience some of this in the next few months and into the years ahead. A shift of energy is taking place for many reasons. We’ve spoken before about the evolution of planet Earth and the eleven dimensions of humanity. Moving on to the first level of this morphogenic body is probably the most difficult change as you overcome inertia. You must reach forward by leaving the comfort of stillness and stability. Getting yourself into motion is challenging, but you’re doing well.

Miracles Are Unfolding

We’re excited about your overall forward movement, which is substantially more than we had expected in this short time frame. Bravo, dear ones! You are grounding the work. But how did you do it? Were you in your passion and didn’t realize it? Maybe some of you were doing things you weren’t even aware of. It is challenging to tell people what their jobs are, so we will give you an idea how many people are fulfilling their roles and what you should watch for.
