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Tap Into the Power of Your Spiritual Community

Cathy Chapman

Good life to you, my precious one. I am Amma, the Divine Mother of the divine mothers, and I am your mother. I keep you safely in my womb. There you are nurtured, loved, and protected.

Awaken Your Potential for Abundance

Spirit of Success
Rae Chandran

Hello to all. I was created along with others to support humanity. There are pockets in your body and auric fields that contain codes and embedded energies that, when awakened, will give you the essence and the power to create what you desire.

The Shift to a New Reality

The Founders
Jaap van Etten

We are the Founders. We are the consciousness of the first wave of souls who came to Earth. After arrival, we soon realized that the level of consciousness with which we came into this physical reality was too high for us to fulfill our agreement with Gaia.

Connect with the Voice of Your Inner Guidance

The One Life
Catherine Weser

One question that is often asked in personal sessions is, “How can I get in touch with my inner guides?” The answer is, of course, that you already are in touch with your inner guides, as “they” and “you” are not separate in any way.

You Learn Fear First to Appreciate Love

Omnidimensional Beings
Kathy Wilson

There is an energy causing great disruption in thought processes on your planet. It was a part of the energy that came onto your planet during the recent two eclipses — one solar and the other lunar.

In Turbulent Times,Focus on Inner Peace

Master Djwhal Khul
Kathlyn Kingdon

My dear and precious students, I greet you at the beginning of another new month, and with utter joy, I extend greetings and blessings to you all from my friends here on the spiritual plane.

Smile Your Way Home

Elrah of Rhythmic Service and the Keeper of Time
Steve Rother

Greetings, dear ones, I am Elrah of Rhythmic Service. I have not addressed you lately because, quite honestly, a lot of you have been way too serious. Well, it is time to laugh a little bit and bring some of the energy back so that you can see things from a different perspective.

You Are in a Battle between Your Conscious Beliefs and Inner Knowing; Focus on Your Instinct

Robert Shapiro

All right. I am one of the Founders, and I will speak for a while.


Light Children Will Restore Respect for Life

The New Ascended Masters
Maurene Watson

How do the New Earth children stop the cycle of abuse and move into lightbodies?

Knowledge of the Beautiful Self

Arthur Fanning

Peace to all beings. Peace to all beings. Peace to all beings. You’re in the center of a cube, crystalline on a pink rock, with a pyramid above your head and protected in the four directions by the archangels. Peace to all beings. Om Mani Padme Hum. Om Mani Padme Hum. Om Mani Padme Hum.


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