Your society tells you that your value is determined by how much time, energy, money, and focus you give away to others. Consider this: Is any object worth more if only a portion of it remains true to itself?
The energy of this planet is asking us to place our attention on the expression of love as a vibration. It is asking us to understand how to define, express, and share love in a neutral way.
There are times you feel good about yourself and times you don’t feel good about yourself; these are the ups and downs and comings and goings of life as a human. Amid the ongoing, always-changing experience of relative existence, emotional strategies appear usually unconsciously.
Jaap: To fully appreciate the message presented in this article, it feels important to share the context in which the channeling occurred. When I focus on learning a specific topic, my guides or the source of the subject often request to communicate by channeling.
Hello, my friends and family. There is so much suffering, they are shivering in the cold of darkness and ignorance. Let your love and light be as a warm blanket covering them during the wintertime. Place this blanket over everybody. In that, you will walk as I have walked.
Greetings! We are the Galactic Council of Lightbeings. We are working with you this year as you open to new levels of soul mastery in the New Earth energies. The biggest shift that will occur is the moment your soul becomes crystalline, reuniting your crystalline body.
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians! Let us look at the well known statement “as above, so below.” In many ways, this is a summary of New Age philosophy and thinking and also an important observation.
Greetings, dear ones. We alight to the energies of your space and time to acknowledge our devotion to you and your new world. Indeed, it is a new world for all intents and purposes.