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Trust Your Inner Voice

Ingrid Auer

Greetings. My name is Larkon. You keep asking us angels the same questions. It’s not that they annoy us, as annoyance is a human characteristic we do not experience. However, you always want quick — preferably immediate — answers to your questions.

Andromedans on Earth

Star Sister from Andromeda
Adria Estribou

Earthlings (as you have been called in many old science-fiction movies), Earth dwellers, Earth people, we do not like the word “humankind,” and we wish to address you as Earth dwellers.

You Are Alchemists

The Fully Integrated Avatar Grace Elohim
Alison David Bird

In 2012, it was deemed that humanity was not ready for ascension. You were physically, mentally, and emotionally incapable of surviving the higher dimensional frequencies required for a planetary shift, so you were given more time.

Failure Also Helps You Achieve Your Goals

The Shepherds of Peace
Thelma Bodnar

Welcome to this new year! Yes, you’re well into it already, but it’s proving to be an improvement on 2018, yes? There is much movement taking place, both on the Earth plane and in the heavens.

Manifest Your Truest Desires

Kenneth Drake

“There is now existing within you the pure, untapped resource of limitless potentiality. Within you lies dormant the ability to manifest exactly the dreams and desires of your soul the moment you begin to harness your true will.”

— Artemis

The Chalice of Love and Kindness

Mother Mary
Therese Dorer

The vision I see is a long dusty road that extends into the horizon. The sun is hot. As I walk down the road, I see a woman standing by a water well, and she offers me a chalice filled with cool sweet water. I hold out my hands to receive the chalice, and I drink deeply.

Reach Out to Others Who Are Open to the Cosmic Truth

Shockara Starbeings
Blue Turtle

Beloved Earth beings, it is critical that you take the time you need to explore the universe and deepen relationship with the Divine presence. As you prepare for sleep at night, ask the healing energies to embrace you and lead you where you need to go to learn in the multidimensions.

Ignite Your Soul

The Cosmic Blue Essence
Sri Ram Kaa

Beloved ones, in a world of great light beyond the stream of stars in the night sky, we come to you. This world ignites a magnificent and expanded experience for all who ask.

The Universe Always Guides You

The Divine
Sara Wiseman

When things change in your life, please pay attention. A sudden shift in the pattern of your life is one of the ways the universe communicates with you. Sometimes, this seems to happen out of the blue.

A Time of Mastery

Steve Rother

Greetings, dear ones. I am the Keeper of Time. I join you this day to share with you from our perspective what it will be like for you on the path ahead. Oh, you have so many changes happening. Yes, planet Earth is all about change. That’s challenging for humans, who don’t do well with change.


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