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Follow Your Highest Aligned Path — Here’s How

Follow Your Highest Aligned Path — Here’s How The JOGs through Heather Kristian Strang

The JOGs are five nonphysical energies Heather was introduced to while at the John of God casa in May 2013.

As a purveyor of aligned magic, much will flow to you. Much you have not anticipated will come your way, and much of it will feel oh so good to you and oh so wonderful. There will be things that come to you that feel exciting but do not feel like a full-bodied yes. There might be things that come to you that you like the idea of in theory, but when you sink further into them, they just don’t feel 100 percent right.

Now, you might ask, “Why would something like this happen? How could something flow to me that was not something that was fully aligned for me?” We say that there are many vibrations you have practiced throughout your lifetime. So there may be things that come to you from previous practiced vibrations that were fun or exciting ideas to you at the time, but when you align with your highest path, you recognize these opportunities or people or manifestations are not the highest light, even though they have come to you so magically and beautifully.
