Have faith, and know this truth. I am Lord Metatron. I speak to you from the source of metatronic power and metatronic light. The light of Metatron has the authority to alter the destiny of humanity and the world.
Emerging from the fog of 3D Earth is a peaceful clarity. Everything seems all right or set right. The only difference is that you may be the only one in your circle to have achieved that in this space and time now called Earth. Rejoice, as this is yours to keep.
Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde and Shockara Starbeings and Mahatma Gandhi
Blue Turtle
Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde: Beloved children of the Creator, we are buoying you up and assisting you as you make transformative changes in the world as you are called to serve. It is a very remarkable time for you to come fully into your discernment and spiritual gifts.
Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde and Mahatma Gandhi and Mother of Light
Blue Turtle
Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde: Beloved children of the Creator, it is remarkable to see you envision a better and grander world in which people can live together in harmony, peace, and loving commitment to one another.
Therese: The hawthorn tree is known as the fairy tree and is said to be the entrance to the land of the fae. Welcome to this magical tree. The hawthorn offers her sweet leaves for you to eat. These tender and sweet, juicy leaves are known as “bread and cheese.”
Ari: As I went into a meditative trance, I asked: What does humanity, myself included, need to hear? I then opened myself up to the highest frequency of truth for all who might receive this channeling. The following is what I received.
If you wish to enhance your inner beauty, you can try the very popular Japanese alternative healing technique, Reiki. It gets rid of blockages and allows blood to circulate freely, making you radiant with beauty.