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Be the Embodiment of God’s Perfect Love

Be the Embodiment of God’s Perfect Love The Angels Known as One through Dr. Vajra Sonora

Greetings, dear ones. We are the energies of ONE, fully present with you here today. We bring you a message through this channel. As we experience the return of the light and warm summer days in the Northern Hemisphere, we hope that you used the time of winter darkness for self-examination, meditation, and prayer. This is truly the foundation for life that is unshakable by day to-day extremes. Now is the time to go further into the light, and before that is a time to prepare by focusing on life in the present.

It is now time for you to go fully within yourselves. You must be present in your lives to experience love. There are many distractions both outside of yourselves and within. We invite you to let go, release the outside world for a few moments, and enter your divinity. Be still and know. Let the day-to-day world fall completely down around you and be blown away by the winds. Everything that exists outside of yourselves is illusion, and you must choose to be free from illusion if you are to learn these lessons.
