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Let Go, and Let God

Donna Taylor

It’s time to prepare for change as we enter eclipse season. A solar eclipse in Pisces on March 9 is very much an eclipse of completion. This is when we must be willing to accept endings.

Embrace New Beginnings

Michelle Karén

How to Read and Use the Following Calendar: This is not the usual Sun sign–based calendar.

Befriend the Fear Shadow Within

Egyptian Cat Archetypes
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

March 2016 is about individual and collective forgiveness and healing of ancient emotional soul wounds. Chiron, the wounded healer, conjunct the Moon’s south node in Pisces, whispers on the wind, howling for the spirit’s soul-heart freedom.

Expect the Unexpected

Lynn Buess

The unknown becoming known will be one of the most significant trends of this year.

Ease February’s Balancing Act with Compassion and Peaceful Intentions

Donna Taylor

February, although not a particularly dramatic month, is quite feisty with plenty of squares and inharmonious alignments. It is likely, therefore, that we might begin the month feeling a bit edgy unless we make time to get in touch with our feelings and work through them.

Be Aware during a Time of Global Power Struggle

Lynn Buess

As the world comes out of a defining year of consciousness, this month reveals some important clues as to which way the wheel turned from last year. Turmoil, terror, and tempestuous childish resistance seem to be the reactions of the established but faltering manipulators of the night.

Lilith Brings Change

Egyptian Cat Archetypes
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

February 2016 is a powerful bridge of energy between past and future, before and after, old and new. This is an opportunity to let go of old emotional fears, attachments, limitations, and choices that no longer serve the individual or the collective.

Attend to Your Health and Talents

Michelle Karén

How to Read and Use the Following Calendar: This is not the usual Sun sign–based calendar.

Weekly Forecasts for January 2016

Donna Taylor

■ Aries (March 21–April 19) ■

Continue to Open Your Heart Chakra

Lynn Buess

As the new year gets off to a start, unresolved conflicts from last year between the forces of duality struggling on Earth can fester to an elevated height. As light shines on darkness, those of dark intent become more desperate. Desperate people do desperate things.


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