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November: Take Stock and Move Forward

Donna Taylor

As nights draw in and temperatures drop, it’s a natural time to turn within, slow down, and gather for the introspective phase to come. How many of us actually do that? How many of us live in sync with nature and her rhythms?

Find Your Natural Flow

Donna Taylor

Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting Russell Grant, the famous British astrologer, and observed him giving a talk to a large audience. What struck me was how completely at home he seemed while delivering his hour-long speech.

Expect an Influx of Heart Energy

Egyptian Cat Beings
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

On an emotional level, February 2020 is about opening to change in expressing love and relationship energies.

Prepare for a Rude Awakening

Lynn Buess

The false American economy of the past ten or twelve years will be revealed to be moving from inflationary to seriously recessionary. Now that the Chinese Yuan is a petrocurrency, the dollar will see its last days of global supremacy and decline in value.

The Coming Aquarius Utopia

Robert FitzGerald

Astrological ages reveal that this is a time of cleansing rather than doom-and-gloom, destructive endings. By definition, the Pisces dissolution is the washing away of surface delusions in a process of spiritual cleansing.

Moving Forward

Michelle Karén

Mercury turns retrograde on Sunday, February 16 at 4:54pm and remains so until March 10. Its shadow period lasts until March 30.

Take Responsibility

Donna Taylor

To understand what is going to be the flavor of 2020, we need only study the planetary dynamics — and subsequent world events — of January.

Quaking Ground — Literally and Figuratively

Lynn Buess

Sweeping political and social reforms will take place this year, and January will provide some fireworks for the beginning of this process. Hidden agendas become more transparent, and previous acts of treason and criminal nature will be revealed.

Allow the True You

Michelle Karén

Uranus turns direct on Friday, January 10. Its shadow period remains until April 26, 2020. The degree it turns direct on (2º39’ Taurus) is represented in the Sabian symbols by “natural steps lead to a lawn of clover in bloom.” The more we have the courage to be ourselves, the deeper the rewards.

High Energy for January

The Egyptian Cat Beings
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

Passion for change, healing, wholeness, and truth will be running high in January 2020 as the grand trine energies open up the year with Chiron just entering Aries, Vulcanus just entering Leo, and Mars moving into Sagittarius on January 3.


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