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Embrace the Energies of Creation

Egyptian Cat Archetypes
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

Cardinal square energies influence everything during the month of February 2017.

Create What Inspires You

Donna Taylor

New years are synonymous with new beginnings; we like to think that we’re being granted an opportunity for a fresh start. The planetary energies don’t always support this philosophy, though. Some years, Valentine’s Day coincides with Venus and Mars at loggerheads with each other.

The Clash of Wills

Lynn Buess

This is the first month of a very important year in history. Old paradigms are being shattered, and new possibilities seem endless. At the same time, a grip of darkness pervades that has been binding humanity to limitations and control of thought and action for eons.

Make Use of Opportunities for Positive Change

Donna Taylor

As the world appears to become ever more chaotic and uncertain, what we need most right now is equilibrium — a bit of balance and harmony to soothe our troubled souls.

Receive the Bounty Awaiting You

Egyptian Cat Archetypes
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

During October, issues with balancing head and heart, or thought and emotions, will show up everywhere for the human kingdom. Deep feelings will surface unexpectedly like serpents arising from deep waters.

Focus on the Upward Journey

Michelle Karén

How to Read and Use the Following Calendar: This is not the usual Sun sign–based calendar.

Disclosures Affect the State of Mass Consciousness

Lynn Buess

The events at this time have implications for many months to come. After the two preselected U.S. presidential candidates went through the entertainment phase of the two conventions and their aftermaths, we continue to witness more stage acting until November.

Jupiter Brings Well-Deserved Benefits for All

Donna Taylor

September is a jam-packed month astrologically. There are two eclipses, Mercury is retrograde, and — wait for it — Jupiter changes signs.

Hope and Information Surface, but Manipulation Remains

Lynn Buess

Dreams and hopes flourish in all cultures as the optimistic and idealistic nature of humanity longs for a harmonious and prosperous world. Manipulators and schemers feed off of this hopeful energy to further self-inflate their agendas.

Foster Fluid, Flexible Frameworks for the Future

Egyptian Cat Archetypes
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

September 2016 energies are all about rebirthing and restructuring beliefs, systems, and relationships that are outdated and restrictive. This month is all about discovering fluid, flexible frameworks that nurture expansion for all members of the human kingdom.


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