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Perched on the Precipice

Perched on the Precipice The Egyptian Cat Beings through Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

The energies for August will focus on rethinking, restructuring, and reorganizing the way things have been done in the past, in all aspects of life, and in search of positive alternatives for the present and near future. In the spheres of home, work, leisure, science, or mental, emotional, and physical health and well-being, new methods will be necessary for all. With all five outer planets retrograde — Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in Taurus (all earth signs); and Neptune in Pisces (water represented by the two fish whose tails are tied together swimming in opposite directions) — humans and Earth are perched on the precipice between what has been and what will be.

This in-between time calls for letting go of the old habits, beliefs, and expectations set up as frameworks to provide a false semblance of organization, security, and control. All people will be required to go deep within their soul-hearts to become bridges between heaven and Earth. This will provide them with their own personal guidance as to the wise changes necessary for their safety, security, and happiness. Those who have developed the habit of prayer, meditation, and listening to and acting on the guidance of their inner truth center will discover easier ways to transition through this in-between time. They will let go of the old with one hand and open the other hand to receive the new. Since this shift in energies will be very Earth- and 3D-oriented — revolving around new discoveries of ways to nurture, support, and love self, others, and the environment away from the busyness of doing rather than being — alternative and diverse perspectives will be required for ease of transition.
