Beloved, holy, and only Child of our heavenly Father, Child of the One Source, Child of Light, divine: That is who you are. Take it deeply within your consciousness and contemplate what that means — Child of Light, divine, from before time began.
Beloved masters, in the very beginning, each of you were one of the holy innocent ones, brilliant sparks of the supreme Creator. When it came your turn to externalize and awaken, you suddenly were aware of your godliness as a white-fire seed atom of All That Is.
I am John. I am known as the Beloved One. I was one of the twelve who waited at the foot of the cross with the Marys — Yeshua’s mother and friend. I was the youngest of the twelve. I wish to share with you what it was like to journey with someone in pain.
You are living in exceptional, evolutionary times on Earth. In this great shift in dimensional consciousness, you have the right and the ability to evolve into greater awareness of the Creator’s light of all love.
Therese: The vision I see is an open prairie landscape with tall grass gently swaying in the summer breeze. On the horizon is a beautiful rainbow archway extending over the land; the air is moist and humid after a light rain.
Mahatma Gandhi Shockara Starbeings Mother of Light and Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde
Blue Turtle
Mahatma Gandhi: Beloved children of God, you awaken to the full possibilities of creating the life that you want and need. As you work with others, you realize and understand that you are working both with and for them.
Energy masters, as living examples, you will now embark on a journey that will last for the next six decades, during which you will guide and illuminate humanity as people become their own free-energy masters. As such, the embodied heart essence must be free energy.
Earth is a training ground for gods and goddesses. Creation is the lesson, and it comprises all lessons. In cause and effect, we learned that what we create we must also experience in all its glory or horror.
Greetings. This is the energy being, or vibration, you call Hilarion. You sensed a beautiful, emerald light as you contemplated reading these words and opening to these ideas.