Spring twirls us about as if we’re caught in a dust devil. We are blown about dimensionally and interdimensionally with a little of us in the past, a little in the present, some scatterings in the future, and a whole lot of us in continuous dimensional fluidity.
Beloved beings of the one light, it is beautiful to be here with you. From a golden emanation of the rays of many worlds, we come with the gift of divine recognition of a heritage, an understanding, and a place of recognition that has caused what many of you call scars.
We ask you to continue to see the evolution of life as a spiral. The cause and force of creation, as always, will be in a spiral. Review other messages on the Spiral Beings to gain more messages on the spirals, and see what you might learn.
Beloved masters, long ago those brave souls who would later come as starseed way-showers for the ascension of humanity and Earth agreed to take on special roles on Earth sometime in the distant future.
Mahatma Gandhi Mother of Light Shockara Starbeings and Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde
Blue Turtle
Mahatma Gandhi: Beloved children of God, I have watched you grow your dreams these past months as you worked together to bring about fundamental and extraordinary changes for equality and justice.
Today, I want to talk about waking up, or the awakening that is taking place. To wake up is to see, to see is to know, and to know is (sometimes) to understand.
Therese: The vision I see is a huge weeping willow tree. Wrapped around the trunk is a magnificent dragon with shiny scales that glimmer in the sunlight. Standing beside the dragon is Quan Yin, holding out her hands.
Ganesh Shiva the Divine Mother Rama Krishna and Tara
David Christopher Lewis
Ganesh: I offer you a very simple key: I will assist you in clearing your mind in the morning when you awaken, in the evening when you retire, and once during the day, because I am one through whom God works to clear the way before you.
You are all spiritual beings seeded in love and all its glory by what is. Relish and celebrate that knowing, for this truth is not fully understood or even believed by most humans in the 3D world. Those of you who know and understand this are far ahead of the average person.
Hold in your heart and let flow all the energy of the great supreme love that is sent to you. Expand your heart to hold more and more each time you gaze into the looking glass of your heart space.