Using Quantum Prayer
Using Quantum Prayer Archangel Michael through Carolyn Ann O'Riley
Greetings, and welcome, my beautiful beings of light. The light is coming in faster and faster waves, pulling forward with it a gift of the Creator's divine grace. The energies are intense, but you are witnessing changes that many thought never before possible. You are learning and remembering that change is constant. What you believed yesterday as your truth may not be the same truth that you will profess tomorrow, and that is as it should be. You are growing and evolving much more quickly than you ever realized.
Things that were unseen and hidden are now coming into the light to be healed and revealed. This trend will be carried forward, with more and more becoming visible for the next decade or more for those who require a linear timeline; however, as has been said for a while now, linear time is fading away.
Duality will also dissolve away in due course, as the Earth plane has learned these lessons and comparisons. The upward spiral of this planet will, in divine timing, be assigned a new divine purpose. The Creator is not ready for that to be revealed at this moment.
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