It is said in the archives of long-forgotten records that Earth once passed through the Arcturian star system on its way to its present solar system. When it was repelled by Arcturus, it left its moon behind. The existing moon of Earth is an artificial satellite.
I welcome all of you to this rather impromptu call. Amma told me she wants to talk about love. I'm not sure in which direction she wants to go. If you talk about love, you can go almost anywhere.
I speak now; my name is Asha Tara Azara I Am, master consciousness from the future Aquarian realm. I speak from a future timeline in the master plane of the New Earth. I have chosen this time to speak to the children of light of the age of transition.
Due to the galactic alignment that took place on December 21, 2012, you are now experiencing an increased influx of catalytic evolutionary energies. This state of affairs is potentially elevating as well as disruptive due to the increased polarization of humanity.
Lord Michael would like the Shekinah to share the wisdom of the Shekinah presence. The true nature of joy is the harmony and perfection of existence, of Source, of the divine truth and divine blueprint in action.
We are so excited because, from where we are, we see shimmering, glimmering, sparkling light around the planet and around many other souls at this time.
Children of the Creator, it is time for you to gather your soul strength and move your lives into a deeper relationship with the Creator. Powerful creative forces are alive and expanding in the universe.
We are Simion, the evolutionary collective. In the last transmission of this series, we spoke of the art of true surrender. That is an important step in your becoming whole. It is beneficial that you continually consider your state of surrender so that you will be ready to jump.
Greetings, my beautiful beings of light. The swirling energies are engulfing you and pulling you this way and that. Of course, the chaos is always there and will be with you for quite some time.