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Forgiveness Is the Highest Path

The Brotherhood of Light
Edna Frankel

Greetings, dear ones, from the Brotherhood of Light. Today we would like to have a discussion about combining different concepts and applying them to the Circle of Grace work.

You Are the light of this New World

Archangel Metatron
Thelma Bodnar

Your choices and your manifestations are on purpose. Yes, you have free will and your soul is always guiding you, as it has guided you to this moment of knowing these words. These very words will penetrate your being and change you. You will become purified spirits of wonder and light.

Seeking Balanced Reciprocity

Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

October 2013 brings with it a month of grand squares dealing with the cardinal astrological signs. They are Uranus in Aries, Pluto in Capricorn, and Ceres and Hades in Cancer with the completion of the grand square varying throughout the month.

You Will Connect with the Battery of Extra Force You Stored in Realms beyond Earth

The Old Ones
Arthur Fanning

You notice how your DNA twists to the left. If you untwist it, the bands create a stairway up from cellular, from mitochondria, up. The spinning is the excitement, the recognition of a self within a vehicle. The flesh is not you.

Be Love in Every Way and Every Moment

Cristi Jenkins

Dear ones, I am Gaia, and I am here to remind you that human consciousness is awakening on a deeper and deeper level: All of us are connected. Now some of you grow weary pursuing the idea that all is unity and all are one, and therefore, people must avoid conflicts at all costs.

Be in Joy!

Sirian Councils of Light
Ray Dawn

Hello to you! We are the Sirian Councils of Light, and we wish to bring tidings of joy to each of your hearts, to allow each of you to come into resonance with your home — the home that is inside of you.

Expanding Your Pathways to Enlightenment

Abby Isadora Haydon

Greetings of joy and well-being come with us as we speak to you. We are a group that has been called Solaris. We travel many galaxies where there is a great infusion of light energy.

Why Death Is Not the Answer


There seems to be a tremendous rise in suicide statistics, as well as self-injury, which has become a sort of fashion among the young.

Your Focus Is on Your Own Journey

Miriandra Rota

Well now, here we are once again, my dears, to speak of something most fascinating: you and your journey! And it is within your journey that you are able to discern exactly what?

The Parrel Plane of Existence

All There Is, Was, and Ever Shall Be
Elliott Eli Jackson

You can only direct where you are going if you know where you come from and where you are. There is most certainly reason and purpose for all things, and really nothing is by happenstance. The focus on dreams is crucial to your future.


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