Greetings and welcome! Your energy fields are blazing higher and higher with ignited frequency particles. The more awake you become and the higher you go up in frequency, my beloveds, the more light is infused within all of your energy fields.
We wish to speak to you about a very delicate subject. It is important for you to keep an open mind and heart in the process of listening to our words since they may reach deep within and touch cords that feel fragile and vulnerable.
Hello my friends. This is Isis of Thebes and Karnak. I want to continue with you all today on the subject of what I will call your overall focus of life. So you have the things that you do every day, and then you have your day-to-day inner spiritual life.
Hello to you dear ones. This is Lady Nada here to speak to each of you about the resonance of your heart's focus. Each one of you has a special resonance — your own unique signature, your own spark of life. This is your heart's signature and your heart's focus as well.
Greetings from Home, dear ones! I am the Keeper of Time. It is time to start revealing some of what lies ahead for all of you who stepped willingly and gleefully into this future.
Juliano, the Arcturians, Sanat Kumara, and Chief White Eagle
David K. Miller
Greetings. I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. We will look at the concept that I call intermediaries. Intermediaries are spirit guides, prophets, and other people who are able to bridge the energy gap between dimensions.
Balance, dear ones, balance. It is a such a simple word, but not very well understood by humanity. What does true balance mean, you may ask? Your indigenous peoples have long held the secret to balance. Energies exist both within and without that shape your perceptions of life.
As above, so below. Are you seeking to increase your inner balance in a troubling society? Are you looking ahead in your life to gain a higher level of existence? Do you wish to manifest a keener sense of spiritual energy in your life?