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Introducing the Triumvirate

The Sextans Triumvirate (Ka-ri, Vaasel, and Ophas)

Ka-ri: We are the Sextans Triumvirate, speaking to you from across the vastness of space — through the wormhole and through our human contact.

The Art of Living in a State of Grace

Quan Yin
Sharon Taphorn

Two of the tools of transformation are release and acceptance. As you grow and expand your light, you encounter events and situations that are opportunities to heal, grow, and release old patterns.

Quantum Consciousness and the Nature of Time

Archangel Metatron
James Tyberonn

Greetings. I am Metatron, lord of light, and I greet you all within this precise vector of timeless space. I embrace you in unconditional love. Dear ones, light is an enigma to you. It exists in succinct units termed photons.

Bringing In the Feminine

Mary Magdalene
Mercedes Kirkel

Hello, everyone. This is Mary Magdalene. Thanks to all who are listening and all of you who will be receiving this message in the future. I am so very happy to connect with you. I wish to say a little bit about myself at this point.

Presence Is the Most Important Aspect of Compassion

Joan of Arc
Janet Lynn Roseman

Channelメs Note: Is compassion an eroding virtue? I believe that we all possess the ability to embody profound compassion with our friends and coworkers, yet often the compassion that we hold sacred is not usually extended to those who need it most, and by that, I mean ourselves.

The Energy in the Room

Elrah, Em, and the group
Steve Rother

Greetings, I am Elrah of rhythmic service. I am here to settle everybody down for a moment and to give you a big old smile — one of my smiles [smiles]. There you go. You think it is amusing that I am sitting up here talking in this funny voice, smiling and acting silly.

The Way Synchronicity Works: the Demise of the Bell-Shaped Curve

Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Once again, my partner steps aside. We've described channeling before as a process that honors the Human Being.

Love Is a Natural State of Being

Archangel Michael

Beloved masters, never forget: Love is a natural state of being. Love is a life-sustaining, inborn condition. When love is the radiating force in your life, fear disappears. Fear is created by the absence of love.

Physical and Relative Existence

Dwhal Khul
Catherine Weser

We start by suggesting that this cosmic spiral of evolution is just a way that we have organized things so that we can share them with you with some sense of progression or a deepening of information.

Your True Colors Are Beautiful

Cristi Jenkins

My dear family of light, I am Gaia, and together with a multitude of your cosmic brothers and sisters, we congratulate you on your efforts to bring more love and harmony into your existence. We know that your efforts are not small.


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