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Be in Love with Everyone and Everything

Dwahl Khul
Catherine Weser

Many people want to know how to meet their soul mates or their twin flames with the idea of living in bliss, happily ever after. “Should I sign up for Should I date a lot of people?” Both questions are asked.

Seed a New Dawn with Peace and Liberation

Master Djwhal Khul
Kathlyn Kingdon

I greet you, beloved students, as you enter the final month of the year’s third quarter. Does it seem that 2015 is rapidly evaporating?

Quantum Heart, Quantum Age

Maurene Watson

Embodied masters, today we review how your converging and dissolving networks, or timelines, are quantum-leaping your love in the bio-cells.

As Old Energies Fade, Embrace the Divine Feminine

Papa Juan
Beatriz Jimpson

This is Papa Juan, and we are present with you through all your life and death cycles, your joys and trials, your wars and times of peace, your travels and expansions. You are a loved and cherished species.

Instant Communication Frees You from Dishonesty

Omnidimensional Beings
Kathy Wilson

We now speak of the portals through which we communicate. Actually, it is not so much communicating as traveling. We come through to you in our energetic form, leaving our physical form behind. Our physical form is not one you would recognize as such.

When You Understand Descension, You Don’t Have to Climb the Mountain, the Mountain Comes to You

The Spirit of Space and Gabriel et al.
Arthur Fanning

14 July 2015

The Intersection of Dimensions

Juliano, the Arcturians, and Archangel Metatron
David K. Miller

Greetings, I am Juliano, and we are the Arcturians. I would like to explore the meaning of the fifth dimension on a deeper level to help you understand the complexity and the technology that are involved in the intersection of the dimensions.

Sacred Energy of Trees and the Plant Kingdom

Archangel Metatron
James Tyberonn

Greetings dear ones, I am Metatron, angelic of light, and we welcome and acknowledge each of you reading these words in the now moment of your connection to the energetic vibration coded within this message. It is an auspicious gathering!

Live in Harmony with All the Kingdoms of Earth

Cristi Jenkins

Dear ones, I am Gaia, and I offer my heart and everlasting love each day and, indeed, through every moment and breath that you take on Earth. If you would understand the seasons of Earth more than just from a perspective of how they serve human beings, you would see that they have a purpose.

Heal the Planetary Consciousness

The Arcturians and Lord Arcturus
Jill Harrison

Blessings, one and all. With humanity reaching a critical stage in its evolution and human life becoming more and more at risk of extinction, we, the Arcturians, come forward to help you to be more conscious of the need for planetary healing.


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