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Acceptance Begins the Healing Process

Virginia Ellen

As you accept the truth, whether it is the false truth you have held about yourself or the actual truth of God, your first chakra will begin to expand. Because this is the chakra of your life force energy, you will instantly have more life energy flowing through your body.

Who Do You Think You Are?

Jeff Michaels

As above, so below. We have a question for you: Who do you think you are? Do you think you are physical bodies? You are not just physical bodies, but you are physical bodies. You have to acknowledge and respect that. These bodies move you around the planet.

Demystifying Death

Archangel Michael

Beloved masters, on the earthly plane, humans rejoice at the birth of a child, for it is indeed a miracle of creation, and they mourn the death of a loved one, for they feel the loss of that person from their midst.

More Planets, More Pyramids to Be Discovered

The group
Steve Rother

Greetings from Home, dear ones. This day is a magic time. You have changed so much on your planet; you have shifted so much energy that you are seeing it happen right in front of your eyes.

Rebuild the Greatness of Earth

Isis of Thebes and Karnak
Beverley Bright Star

Hello, my dears, this is Isis of Thebes and Karnak. I want to talk about something that has been very, very pressing for all of us lately: the relationships you have with each other as nations of the world.

Balance the Light Within

All There Is, Was, and Ever Shall Be
Elliott Eli Jackson

We will continue with our discourse on levels of the human energetic field. We focus now with those connected to sound and vibration. We reiterate that everything in the universe is sound and vibration.

Expand Your Life, and Own Your Choices

David Reid Lowell

You go through things in your life that seem insurmountable. At the time and maybe for some time afterward, they take you sideways. Then you realize that your life is actually better, and one of the reasons is the changes you made. We, Michel, will touch on many things during this channeling.

Stop Fracking for the Good of the Planet and Humankind

Robert Shapiro

3 June 2015

Are there any other signs or manifestations within us or beyond us that you can talk about that are happening now or about to happen?

Your Soul Body Is Becoming Your Day-to-Day Self

Robert Shapiro

Now, there is an issue happening to some people. Before sleep, not usually before a nap but before a lengthy sleep, when you retire for the night — go to bed, or whatever, to sleep — you will see, with your eyes closed, faces of people.

The Passing of Discomfort off the Earth

Advisor's Associate
Robert Shapiro

1 June 2015

Advisor through Robert Shapiro


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